Version 3.5 (2018 August -December)

All content discussed in these videos are for the OpenLMIS community and intended to support the software development process. Please treat all content as internal content to OpenLMIS and not for public consumption.

Sprint 106 Team Mind the Gap, Team JSI, Team Ona, Team Parrot 


Showcase Videos

Showcase Meeting: 

Audio only: 


Team Mind the Gap finished 8.5 story points and 5 tickets. → See Sprint Report

Team JSI finished 4 story points (below) and tickets. → See Sprint Report

Team Ona finished 20 story points and 10 tickets. → See Sprint Report

Team Parrot finished 23 story points (below) and 10 tickets. → See Sprint Report


Team Mind the Gap:

  • Prioritize sprint goal tickets in each sprint
  • Create tickets for gathering requirements for new gap feature work
  • Limit time spent on gathering requirements tickets (timebox spikes to 2-4 hours)



Team Parrot: 2018-08-30 Team Parrot Sprint 106 Retrospective

Sprint 107 Team Mind the Gap, Team JSI, Team Ona, Team Parrot 


Showcase Videos

Showcase Meeting: 

Audio only: 


Team Mind the Gap finished 29 story points and 14 tickets. → See Sprint Report

Team JSI finished 11.5 story points and tickets. → See Sprint Report

Team Ona finished 11 story points and 5 tickets. → See Sprint Report

Team Parrot finished 31 story points and 8 tickets. → See Sprint Report


Team Mind the Gap:

  • Focused retrospective on spikes: Ask for feedback at the end of the day, do spikes as "side work" for the feature work, spread out ticket work and responsibilities to the whole team

Team JSI: 

Team Ona: 

Team Parrot: /wiki/spaces/OP/pages/442433547

Sprint 108 Team Mind the Gap, Team JSI, Team Ona, Team Parrot 


Showcase Videos

Showcase Meeting: 

Audio only: 


Team Mind the Gap finished 27 story points and 9 tickets. → See Sprint Report

Team JSI finished 7 story points and tickets. → See Sprint Report

Team Ona finished 24 story points and 10 tickets. → See Sprint Report

Team (Fast!) Parrot finished 16 story points and 10 tickets. → See Sprint Report


Team Mind the Gap:

  • Improve sprint meetings by assigning a facilitator, timekeeper, context-keeper
  • Design/requirements improvements: Once requirements are gathered, the person who updated requirements presents it to the team and they ask questions

Team JSI: 

Team Ona: 

Team Parrot: 

Sprint 109 Team Mind the Gap, Team JSI, Team Ona, Team Parrot 


Showcase Videos

Showcase Meeting: 

Audio only: 


Team Mind the Gap finished 9 story points and 3 tickets. → See Sprint Report

Team JSI finished 0 story points and tickets. → See Sprint Report

Team Ona finished 15 story points and tickets. → See Sprint Report

Team Fast Parrot finished 38 story points and 5 tickets. → See Sprint Report


Team Mind the Gap: No retrospective due to many members out of office.

Team JSI: 

Team Ona: 

Team Parrot:

Sprint 110 Team Mind the Gap, Team JSI, Team Ona, Team Parrot 


Showcase Videos

Showcase Meeting:


Team Mind the Gap finished 48 story points and 16 tickets. → See Sprint Report

Team JSI finished 25 story points and 11 tickets. → See Sprint Report

Team Ona finished 1 story points and 1 tickets. → See Sprint Report

Team Parrot finished 20 story points and 8 tickets. → See Sprint Report


Team Mind the Gap:

  • Still working on improving our meeting efficiency because we did not use timekeepers as planned
  • Schedule a separate planning meeting before starting the next sprint. Extend time after the retrospective for 30min planning
  • Weird Sonar rules add extra work: Chongsun to start a thread on Discourse to gather feedback on how others are feeling about Sonar, problems they are experiencing 

Team JSI: 

Team Ona: 

Team Parrot: 

Sprint 111 Team Mind the Gap, Team JSI, Team Ona, Team Parrot 


Showcase Videos

Showcase Meeting: 

Audio Only:


Team Mind the Gap finished 39 story points and 14 tickets. → See Sprint Report

Team JSI finished 8 story points and 4 tickets. → See Sprint Report

Team Ona finished 21 story points and 11 tickets. → See Sprint Report

Team Parrot finished 25.5 story points and 8 tickets. → See Sprint Report


Team Mind the Gap:

  • Timebox grooming each ticket, post follow-ups and complete follow-ups before the next grooming
  • Check UI documentation and style guide to make sure its up to date

Team JSI: 

Team Ona: 

Team Parrot: 

Sprint 112 Team Mind the Gap, Team JSI, Team Ona, Team Parrot 


Showcase Videos

Showcase Meeting: 

Audio Only:


Team Mind the Gap finished 27.5 story points and 11 tickets. → See Sprint Report

Team JSI finished 30 story points and 8 tickets. → See Sprint Report

Team Ona finished 33 story points and 18 tickets. → See Sprint Report

Team Parrot finished 15 story points and 5 tickets. → See Sprint Report


Team Mind the Gap: Combined Sprint 112 & 113 retrospectives -

Team JSI: 

Team Ona: 

Team Parrot: 

Sprint 113 Team Mind the Gap, Team JSI, Team Ona, Team Parrot 


Showcase Videos

No showcase was held due to primary focus being testing and travel (the GHSCS in Zambia) for many team members.


Team Mind the Gap finished 24.5 story points and 15 tickets. → See Sprint Report

Team JSI finished 8 story points and 1 tickets. → See Sprint Report

Team Ona finished 8 story points and tickets. → See Sprint Report

Team Parrot finished 16 story points and 12 tickets. → See Sprint Report


Team Mind the Gap: Combined Sprint 112 & 113 retrospectives -

Team JSI: 

Team Ona: 

Team Parrot: 

Sprint 114 Team Mind the Gap, Team JSI, Team Ona, Team Parrot 


Showcase Videos

Showcase Meeting: 

Audio Only:


Team Mind the Gap finished 15 story points and 12 tickets. → See Sprint Report

Team Ona finished 1.5 story points and tickets. → See Sprint Report

Team Parrot finished 3 story points and 7 tickets. → See Sprint Report


Team Mind the Gap:

Team JSI: 

Team Ona: 

Team Parrot:

Sprint 115 Team Mind the Gap, Team JSI, Team Ona, Team Parrot 


Showcase Videos

No showcase was held due to the holiday break for most teams.


Team Mind the Gap finished 5 story points and tickets. → See Sprint Report

Team JSI finished 0 story points and 0 tickets. → See Sprint Report

Team Ona finished 0 story points and tickets. → See Sprint Report

Team Parrot finished 13 story points and 6 tickets. → See Sprint Report


Team Mind the Gap:

Team JSI: 

Team Ona: 

Team Parrot: 

OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software