Backlog Grooming Sprint 111
Dates: -
Team Leads remember to pick up Blocker and Critical bugs marked Fix Version 3.5
These bugs must be resolved before Sprint 113 and Release Candidate Testing
Team Parrot Sprint
Sprint Goal: Testing documents consolidation and test search improvements
- ONA request:
OLMIS-5593Getting issue details...
(need to talk with Josh about the design - check up on SIGLUS/Craig on how this is done in mobile; if we can't get any answers, do what's easiest/fastest to develop)
- Josh Zamor to check on the above and get Craig Appl (Unlicensed) input
- Tech Debt next recommendation: - OLMIS-4999Getting issue details... STATUS (if perf test deploy is fixed)
- - OLMIS-5388Getting issue details... STATUS (destination: RTD)
- - OLMIS-5563Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-5616Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-5617Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-5618Getting issue details... STATUS
Team Parrot to use 20% of their capacity to fix the following prioritized bugs:
Team Parrot to use 20% of their capacity to fix the following prioritized Tech Debt tickets:
- Sebastian Brudziński to add Tech Debt backlog here
- Regression testing cycle as needed (Joanna Bebak (Deactivated))
Team Ona Gap
Sprint Goal:
- - OLMIS-5462Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-5593Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-5608Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-5610Getting issue details... STATUS
- Type your task here, using "@" to assign to a user and "//" to select a due date
Team JSI Gap
Sprint Goal: Continue with Shipment file; Ona reports; Quick wins
- - OLMIS-5630Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-5631Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-5601Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-5619Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-5481Getting issue details... STATUS
Team Mind the Gap
Sprint Goal: Finish Supply Partner model. Create add-view supply partners UI workflow. Add auth code for SSO.
Tickets are listed in priority from top (highest priority) to bottom (lowest priority) on this page, and in the active sprint Jira board.
Multiple Suppliers (Priority 1) - OLMIS-4842Getting issue details... STATUS :
Need to prioritize in grooming on Monday:
- - OLMIS-5143Getting issue details... STATUS (Nikodem Graczewski (Unlicensed) Need more details added in ticket about UI - and needs to be sized)
- - OLMIS-5625Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-5354Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-5355Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-5623Getting issue details... STATUS Nikodem Graczewski (Unlicensed) to create ticket for viewing Edit supply page (stub with demo data until OLMIS-5356 is complete)
- - OLMIS-5622Getting issue details... STATUS
Reporting support for Team Ona (Priority 2):
- - OLMIS-5634Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-5499Getting issue details... STATUS (Before we can size - Need to review Craig's documentation on Superset auth - Superset support for OAuth2)
- - OLMIS-5501Getting issue details... STATUS (Waiting for list of reports from Clay before we start this work)
Blocker or Critical bugs before 3.5 release (Priority 3):
Tech Debt tickets (20%):
- Requisition - R&R extra ARV regimen patient information tab (gathering requirements and writing tickets for 3.6 release)
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