Backlog Grooming Sprint 111

Backlog Grooming Sprint 111

Dates:  -  

Team Leads remember to pick up Blocker and Critical bugs marked Fix Version 3.5

These bugs must be resolved before Sprint 113 and Release Candidate Testing

Team Parrot Sprint

Sprint Goal: Testing documents consolidation and test search improvements


  • ONA request: OLMIS-5593 - Getting issue details... STATUS (need to talk with Josh about the design - check up on SIGLUS/Craig on how this is done in mobile; if we can't get any answers, do what's easiest/fastest to develop)
  • Tech Debt next recommendation: OLMIS-4999 - Getting issue details... STATUS (if perf test deploy is fixed)
  • OLMIS-5388 - Getting issue details... STATUS (destination: RTD)
  • OLMIS-5563 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • OLMIS-5616 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • OLMIS-5617 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • OLMIS-5618 - Getting issue details... STATUS


    • When is it safe to deprecate/delete test cases or steps in test cases - Sebastian to think about having a workflow for this once we have completed OLMIS-5550 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Team Parrot to use 20% of their capacity to fix the following prioritized bugs:

key summary type priority status labels

Team Parrot to use 20% of their capacity to fix the following prioritized Tech Debt tickets:

key summary type priority status labels

Team Ona Gap

Sprint Goal: 



  • Type your task here, using "@" to assign to a user and "//" to select a due date

Team JSI Gap

Sprint Goal: Continue with Shipment file; Ona reports; Quick wins


Team Mind the Gap

Sprint Goal: Finish Supply Partner model. Create add-view supply partners UI workflow. Add auth code for SSO.

Tickets are listed in priority from top (highest priority) to bottom (lowest priority) on this page, and in the active sprint Jira board.

  • OLMIS-5619 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (remaining mCSD ticket)

Multiple Suppliers (Priority 1) OLMIS-4842 - Getting issue details... STATUS :

Need to prioritize in grooming on Monday: https://play.planningpoker.com/play/game/cgFyTnloQ0dONI3YAsRaSx2mDlFNuMGA

Reporting support for Team Ona (Priority 2): 

  • OLMIS-5634 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • OLMIS-5499 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (Before we can size - Need to review Craig's documentation on Superset auth - Superset support for OAuth2)
  • OLMIS-5501 - Getting issue details... STATUS (Waiting for list of reports from Clay before we start this work)

Blocker or Critical bugs before 3.5 release (Priority 3):

  • OLMIS-5627 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (this is a blocker for OLMIS-5625)

Tech Debt tickets (20%):


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