Review of CCE Regression Testing

Review of CCE Regression Testing

This page was created because of  OLMIS-5225 - Getting issue details... STATUS

What CCE manual tests cover:

Test CaseWhat it checks?Should be tested manually?Should be tested with Functional Test?Additional notes
OLMIS-4230: Viewing and dismissing RTM alertsWhether a given inventory item has alerts and appropriate status; whether a report is displayed properlyNoYesReport should be tested manually.
OLMIS-3681: Filtering by functional statusWhether it is possible to filter inventories by Functional Status with appropriate options; checks if buttons work in a proper way; whether filtering shows appropriate equipmentNoYesMerge with OLMIS-3005
OLMIS-3679: Filtering by facility and programWhether a proper list of devices is displayed after a filtered searchNoYes (displayed list)The part with checking dropdown placing should be removed.
OLMIS-3674: Spacing in The Edit Equipment DetailsChecks spacing after adding equipmentNoNoWe think that it isn't something which should have its own test case.
OLMIS-3658: User rightsWhether user with proper rights can add and edit inventory item; user without these rights doesn't have this possibilityNoYesMerge with OLMIS-3009
OMIS-3650: Adding a solar device with batteryWhether adding and editing inventory items works properly for a specific deviceNoYes
OLMIS-3048: Notification of nonfunctional CCEWhether an email template after changing device's functional status is sent and is properYesNoThere should be a Contract Test for this test case in the future. It can be done when there will be a pattern to test emails.
OLMIS-3052: The Manage Cold Chain Equipment Catalog screenChecks uploading a fileYesNoAPI for uploading and exporting CCE catalog should be tested using contract test. We can leave this manual test case to check whether the UI component works properly.
OLMIS-3009: The inventory items listWhether there are appropriate columns for the table with inventory items listNoYesMerge with checking user rights.
OLMIS-3006: Editing devicesWhether it is possible to add and edit an inventory itemNoYes
OLMIS-3005: The Equipment Functional Status modelWhether changing the functional status for an inventory item works properlyNoYes
OLMIS-3000: Adding a new CCE deviceWhether it is possible to add and edit an inventory itemNoYes
OLMIS-4507: Facility CCE Status message when there is no CCE at facilityWhether after converting requisition there is a proper Facility CCE status componentYesNo, this is a typical edge caseMany steps requiring other services (requisition, fulfillment) before checking the status

Things to cover with Functional Tests:

  • Verify that user with proper rights has access to CCE Inventory screen + verify that columns in the inventory items list are displayed in the right order and the columns have proper fields
  • Verify that user can see a list of inventory items for the chosen facility and program and are displayed in alphabetic order
  • Verify that appropriate user can add new equipment
  • Verify that appropriate user can add new (specific) Solar equipment
  • Verify that appropriate user can edit equipment
  • Verify that changing functional statuses for a given inventory item works (one test for each functional status)
  • Verify that filtering by functional status works properly
  • Verify that user without proper rights can't see CCE Management tab

Test cases to cover with Contract Tests:

  • Verify that CCE catalog items are archived -  OLMIS-2999 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • Verify that exporting/importing CCE catalog works properly -  OLMIS-3431 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • Verify that providing CCE Inventory as FHIR Device works properly -  OLMIS-4037 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (Low priority)

Results of the discussion about current manual tests’ quality:

  • Current manual tests for CCE are effective as there is a small number of bugs (27) in comparison with other services.
  • Creating a new manual test case which needs about 15 execution steps takes 1-2 hours. However, we avoid creating a new, rather updating an existing one.
  • Executing a manual test case with 15 steps usually lasts about 1h.
  • Experience and a wide range of knowledge of system are crucial to make sure that manual tests make sense.
  • Our current manual test cases check both happy paths and edge cases.
  • There are a few manual tests which could be exchanged fully in favor of functional tests.
  • There is a danger of duplications as some manual tests need to use the same paths as functional tests to check edge cases (one idea to deal with this issue is to use Functional Tests for common steps up to the point of dispersion and then to test the edge case manually).

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