PC: September 25 2018

PC: September 25 2018

Call Information

  • 08:00 PDT - Seattle
  • 11:00 EDT - New York, DC
  • 17:00 CAT - Zambia/Malawi (UTC+2)
  • 18:00 EAT - Tanzania/Kenya (UTC+3)

Last Meeting NotesPC: September 11 2018



Lead (Time)

Notes and Updates

Software Development Update

RoadmapLiving Product Roadmap 

Current sprintBacklog Grooming Sprint 108

Upcoming sprintBacklog Grooming Sprint 109


  • 3.4.1 patch release on a performance bug 
  • 3.5 release scheduled for the end October (we want to push back to end of November)

Team statshttps://openlmis.atlassian.net/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=12504

Velocity: Context: Includes all four teams. Started testing in Sprint 105, released 3.4 in Sprint 106.

Key Challenges

  • Clear definition of what is wanted by the community and implementers. 
  • Lack a backlog of well defined features.

 Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) (5 min)

What will be in 3.5 (Living Product Roadmap)? 

  • Reporting workstream (can track work here)
    • Single Sign on
    • Metrics defined (goal is to get metrics created to populate 12 reports) 
    • Enhancements to superset will most likely be completed by 3.6
  • Integrations workstream
    • mCSD for facility information (Interface - Facility Lists using Global Standards w/ mCSD)
      • Use case 1: OpenLMIS serving mCSD Locations (Care Service Update Provider)

      • Use case 2: OpenLMIS as a consumer of mCSD Locations (Care Service Update Consumer)

    • Potentially DHIS2 integration - current high-level plan, here. Detailed plan and specification is still in development and may be pushed to 3.6 more likely.
  • Feature workstream 
  • Architecture workstream
    • Improvements in integrated testing so we can release faster (reduce manual testing). We will have the pattern established and potentially integrated tests for the Requisition Service.  OLMIS-4565 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Community requested features

Funding updateMary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated)

We did not receive DIAL funding.

More discussion on funding during the governance call.

Update on OpenSRP mobile integration work

Craig Appl (Unlicensed) (10 min)

Brief Demo (if possible)

Stock take is almost finished - showed in demo

Reasons and received from list will need to be followed up on by Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated)

End to end visibility - once all the stock information is updated on OpenSRP and flows through to OpenLMIS, then the district could create a one-click stock-based requisition in OpenLMIS. 

We don't have specific funds to work on requisitions in OpenSRP, so it was not a part of the scope of this work.

From previous PC meetings, there was some discussion about the UI and the workflow. Is there going to be follow up on those suggestions?

  • Overall usage requires a lot of clicks. Reducing number of clicks in the UI would be better.
  • What happens when there are no lots? This is still being worked on this week.
  • Ashraf mentioned adding an additional comment on top of the reasons.

Craig Appl (Unlicensed) will review the feedback and get back to the PC on what was implemented or what still needs to be addressed

NFR Performance Update

NFR page: Non-Functional Requirements - performance

Wesley Brown (5 min)

Simon Dean provided feedback (THANKS).

Three main areas were added:

  • Scalability
  • Availability
  • Overall network usage

Next step: Wesley Brown to chat with Josh Zamor about what to include and how. 

Desire to move forward from planning.

Needs Input: Still needs feedback and information on the warehouse user and characteristics of the data is

Requested New Feature

  • Current requests:  Getting issues...
  • Potentially discuss: Non full supply product options to improve performance around requesting NFS when there is a very large list.

Question to group

  • Is OLMIS-3794 still needed? See comments in ticket for more details.
    • Malawi: since report-only configuration can only be done by period, not by period and facility, Malawi is not using this feature. They have some facilities that still need to requisition - but we need more feedback from Nuran Idris (Unlicensed)
      • Does OLMIS-4865 (releasing without converting to order) support this scenario?
  • Is OLMIS-3526 a top priority?

How does feature request analysis happen?

Analysis is done once we decide to work on the new feature request due to funding constraints and bandwidth. There is a need for a high-level filtering of the new feature requests before they are prioritized.


Suggestions on how to get input from the rest of the community on the new feature requests? Voting? Comments?

Idea from Ryan Freeland (Deactivated): I think we need to have implementers set up with the toolkit to be able to continuously ask end users about requests they would like to see in OpenLMIS.

I'd like to make sure each release is including one to two new features requested by the community (if funding allows for it).

2019 Roadmap

A full list of potential features is here. I've pulled out the following four for 2019. Thoughts?

  • Support for distributions and reallocating stock between facilities (user stories). The OpenLMIS community wants to enhance the local fulfillment workflows to support an end user in planning a distribution to multiple facilities at once and identify excess stock in nearby facilities. If a facility is running low on stock they will have visibility to nearby facilities. These features support a high-value supply chain workflow requested by many current and prospective country users.
  • Offline support for stock management features (user stories). There is a need to integrate with third party mobile applications and support offline web browser features. Some facilities will have a desktop computer while others can leverage a tablet device. At the moment OpenLMIS supports online stock management features in the web application and integration with two mobile applications (OpenSRP and SIGLUS). Benin, Malawi, and Mozambique have all expressed the need for offline stock management features so that they can leverage the current desktop computers in facilities with intermittent connectivity. OpenLMIS would like to support both integrations with third-party mobile/tablet applications and offline features within the web application to reach the last mile.
  • Collect program data alongside supply chain processes (user stories) to support user-friendly customization of data collection forms by implementers. This work allows collection of health metrics and indicators during supply chain reporting workflows. We propose to build this feature via an integration with a third-party open source application (our specifications to date focus on ODK and/or DHIS2). This featureset allows implementers to collect programmatic data alongside of supply information. The community sees a need for this in HIV and within immunization programs.
  • Request, order, receive/unpack and ship “kits”, or bundles of products (user stories). Kits are common within HIV and essential medicines. This feature is a high priority for Mozambique (where implementation work is underway) and requested by other countries because bundling products together is key to supporting reordering for patient regimens and other related products.


Mary Jo reached out to the community to weigh in on desired features for 2019. No specific comments from the community came in. At the moment, I've identified some key features we'd like to address are listed.


<insert notes>

Prior to 2019, I would like the community to weigh in further on priorities.  I welcome thoughts and ideas on the best way to do that given time/resource constraints by community members. 

Idea: if attending the GHSCS or GDHF, we could hold a listening session or prioritization meeting.

Update UI Changes for 3.5

OLMIS-4968 - Getting issue details... STATUS  : will implement through configuration in the requisition template and shown as a column next to the approved quantity.

Next PC meeting: Ideas??


Additional Requests and Information:

Upcoming Travel and Coordination to Note: (see Opportunities#Conferences for details)

November 28-30 2018: Lusaka Global Supply Chain SummitOpenLMIS is sponsoring a lunch event on the 29th. Please send out the Save the Date to your network. We hope to get ministers and decision makers in the room to learn about OpenLMIS. We are sponsoring two ministers from Malawi to present on the OpenLMIS v3 implementation in Malawi.

  • This is the Save the Date- please circulate to stakeholders (MoH, donors, etc) who may be interested in supporting/promoting OpenLMIS implementations
  • Potential side events: we are hoping to schedule site visits to see eLMIS/Facility Edition and OpenSRP. Still under discussion. Most likely before the event.

December 10-11 2018: Global Digital Health Forum in Washington, DC.


Craig Appl (Unlicensed)Ryan Freeland (Deactivated)AshrafJosh ZamorParambir S Gill (Unlicensed)Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed)Sebastian BrudzińskiWesley BrownMary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated)Sam Im (Deactivated)Simon Dean (Unlicensed)




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