Nifi Registry User Guide

Nifi Registry User Guide

The Nifi Registry is a centralized open source system that is used to maintain version control of Nifi flows that integrate different components of OpenLMIS and the reporting stack. The Nifi Registry is supported by the Apache Foundation and their source information and documentation can be found at https://nifi.apache.org/registry.html. This guide documents the OpenLMIS implementation of the Nifi Registry to support the management of OpenLMIS related Nifi flows. View the Nifi User Guide for information on interacting with the Nifi Registry from within Nifi.


Bucket - A container that stores Nifi Flows.

Flow - A processGroup level dataflow in Apache Nifi. Each flow is defined in the user's Nifi system as a processGroup and linked to the Nifi Registry to be stored in a bucket


The Nifi Registry is comprised of buckets and flows. Flows are created and stored in buckets. The Nifi Registry can be accessed at http://nifi-registry.openlmis.org:18080/nifi-registry/explorer/grid-list.

The registry's user interface presents all flows for all buckets in the landing page:

The drop down in the top left next to the word "All" shows that you are viewing flows for all buckets. You can filter by bucket by clicking the triangle.

Create or Edit Buckets

The wrench in the top right corner allows users to view and create new buckets.

This page shows the total number of versions and last updated date. You can delete this flow by clicking the red "ACTIONS" button.

The Nifi Registry for OpenLMIS is a work in progress. This section identifies future enhancements to the Registry.

  • Support authentication to provide restricted access to create and edit buckets.
  • Support role based access controls for buckets, so only specific users can see a particular bucket.
  • Run behind HTTPS for secure transportation

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