November Meetings in Lusaka, Zambia

November Meetings in Lusaka, Zambia

This page is for planning purposes for the week of November 26th in Lusaka, Zambia. 

GHSCS Agenda: http://ghscs.com/agenda-2018/

Full Agenda (pdf):  http://ghscs.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/11th-GHSC2018-Full-Agenda-FINAL-Nov19.pdf

Meetings to Schedule

  • In-person Gap Project status update to Lindabeth 

Tentative Schedule

Nov 26 Monday

Prep day and potentially meetings

Nov 27


eLMIS/Facility Edition site visit

  • Goal: to see how eLMIS/FE is being used and learn what has been working or lessons learned

Please add your name if you are interested in attending the site visit.

Waiting to hear back from Chris Opit (Unlicensed) and Ashraf on feasibility.

Update from Wendy- Nov 20

We shall be visiting two sites on Tuesday the 27th of November 2018 namely Levy Mwanawasa Hospital and State lodge health center.

Logistics. We shall pick you up from the Radisson at 9am on Tuesday morning, we have managed to secure vehicles for the site visits. You shall be taken to both facilities, Chris and I shall accompany you and at the end of the tour we shall have you dropped off at the Radisson

Approvals - we have obtained approval for Levy and are awaiting for approval from the District to visit State Lodge, we shall have this before the end of the week.

The sites are within Lusaka and we shall visit all of them in the morning. We should plan to spend no more than 1.5 hours to 2 hours max at each facility.

Nov 27

Optional Conference Side Event: 9am-5pm

People that Deliver workshop Using a Theory of Change and whole of Supply Chain Management labor market approach to catalyze country investments to improve Human Resources: A practical toolkit 

anyone who is available and interested- note: you must register

This is a one-day workshop (9:00 am - 5:00 pm) to be held the day before the Global Health Supply Chain Summit. This is a joint collaboration between the GHSC-PSM project, USAID, and the People that Deliver. Please see below for more information as well as the attached agenda. You must sign up in order to attend. To reserve your place, please fil l out this online form.  

Nov 27 

Tuesday Dinner


Dinner among Trusted Partners and OpenLMIS Gap Team

Where: Horseshoe Steakhouse (TripAdvisor

Address: Nangwenya Rd, Lusaka, Zambia


Mary Jo is asking the JSI team for recommendations. 

Logistics: Meet in Radisson Blu lobby at 7am to share/arrange taxi  transport. Otherwise, you can get your own transport to Horseshoe Steakhouse at 7:30pm.

Nov 28


(conference sessions all day)

3:00pm Prep Session for Advocacy Event

Goal: run through the presentation and ensure everyone is clear on roles/responsibilities

GHSCS Prep Session

Nov 28


Conference Session: 

OpenLMIS Expansion in Mozambique: A collaborative success story


This session will start at 1:45 PM in Track 2  (Location: Room 1)

Nov 28


Conference Session: 

Interoperability: Health and Supply Chain information systems to achieve maximum impact


This session will start at 3:10 PM in Track 7  (Location: Mini-Dome)

Nov 28


Gap Meetings:

  • Gap v3.6 Feature Discussions

Nov 29



Gap Meetings:

  • Connect with local JSI team (Waiting on confirmation)
    • Facilitator: Wesley Brown
    • Duration: Morning
    • Focus: Meet the local Zambia JSI team, get an insiders tour of eLMIS as well as the Facility Edition, discuss what performance tests and non-functional requirements eLMIS currently has, and hear about the roadmap for future work

Nov 29



Conference Session:

Integrating systems to provide end to end visibility: Supplying remote health facilities with critical commodities takes more than one system.


This session will start at 8:15-10:15 AM in Track 15 (Location: Mini-Dome)

Nov 29



Conference Session:

Visualize, Analyze, Improve: Development and Use of the EPI Dashboard in Mozambique


  • Timoteo Chaluco 
  • Dercio Duvane 
  • Christine Lenihan 
  • Vidya Sampath 
This session will start at 11:00-12:15 in Track 20 (Location: Room 2-3)

Nov 29


(conference sessions all day)

LUNCH: OpenLMIS Advocacy event (funded by BMGF)

  1. Participants: TP representatives, OpenLMIS Core Team and Gap Team members, ministry officials
  2. Goal: Introduce OpenLMIS v3, highlight what Malawi has done, and showcase capabilities/services of the Trusted Partners in the community.
  3. Date: November 29th lunch


Location; Meeting room 4 (on the first floor)

Time: starts at 12:15; our team should arrive by 11:45

Here is the planning document
Here is the Save the Date

Nov 29

Thursday Afternoon

Gap Meetings:

Nov 29


5:30 - 8:30pm

Leveraging Partnerships and Technologies to Strengthen Warehousing and Distribution Systems

Date: Thursday, November 29, 2018
Time: 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

Location: Hotel Radisson Blu Lusaka Join Chemonics International and our partners during the upcoming Global Health Supply Chain Summit in Zambia for a cocktail reception and interactive event. We look forward to engaging dialogues around innovative partnerships and technologies and the common challenges experienced by supply chain logisticians in resource-limited settings.

Register here

Nov 30


GHSCS Training Day
(post-conference training sessions and academic sessions for faculty)
9:00  - 10:30 AM: OpenLMIS Internal Community Meeting (funded by BMGF)
  • Goal: to meet each other, to evaluate and discuss OpenLMIS processes, identify ways to improve the community, discuss 2019 roadmap, discuss responding to RFPs, potentially in-person Product and Technical meetings
  • Agenda: State of the community, followed by unconference approach where we will vote on the ideas and then spend time discussing
  • Facilitators: Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated)Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed)
  • Location: Boardroom 1
  • Duration: 1.5 hours

TP representatives, OpenLMIS Core Team, Gap Team members

(Craig Appl (Unlicensed) may be interested to join remotely if this is ~11pm Seattle)

10:30 AM - 12:00 PM : Break out for Gap Meetings:

Participants: VR, Team Leads, others as required

10:30 AM - 12:00 PM : Break out for TPs:

Participants: Dércio Duvane (VR), Former user (Deleted) (CHAI), Edward Wilson (JSI), MAHMUDUL ISLAM (Unlicensed) (SoftWorks), 

PM: OpenLMIS strategic planning 

  • Location: Radisson Blu - Boardroom 1
  • Participants: VR OpenLMIS strategic Meeting

Facilitation: Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated)

Supporting: Brandon Bowersox-Johnson

Topics to Discuss

  • Need clarification on  OLMIS-5142 - Getting issue details... STATUS

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