2018-10-16 TC Meeting notes

2018-10-16 TC Meeting notes


7am PST / 4pm CET



Discussion items

5mAgenda and action item reviewJosh
35mFeature flags
  • Use in 3.5?  Followup on multiple suppliers. (followup Nikodem Graczewski (Unlicensed), Josh Zamor, Sebastian Brudziński)
    • Is this pressing?  Is the only alternative branching?
  • Briefly show Togglz
    • Console and local example
    • Testing
    • Improvements to be had:
      • Security of console
      • Redis FeatureProvider - feature discovery from other services (nice to have)
      • Expose features and states to web ui
15mTeamCity Remote Run demo

Wesley Brown

5 minOverview of integration tests from referencedata for database migrationsMateusz Kwiatkowski
(dev forum or next time)Followup on audit log initializerJosh Zamor
  • We completed  OLMIS-3078 - Getting issue details... STATUS which will help production data sets, however for demo data we would still iterate over all the demo data records on the first start as they don't have snapshots yet.  Is a slow startup still / more an issue?  With the increased size of the demo data that we're adding, and thoughts to have millions of records, do we think we have an issue?
  • When Ref Distro is started, DB usage is sustaining 100% CPU for > 5 minutes
(next time)Orderable versioningChongsun Ahn (Unlicensed)
  • Continue the show and tell on the how
(not pressing atm)DHIS2 followup on how (keeping this on the agenda to discuss the plan prior to implementation, however implementation isn't pressing on this just yet)

Josh Zamor


Team City

  • Benefits:
    • Commit-less, you can run a pipeline without a commit.  In Jenkins the way we'd experiment with code is to commit to a branch, and then Jenkins et al would report on what's happened.
    • UX is quite a bit nicer.
  • Non-trivial to re-tool our build infrastructure from Jenkins to TC
    • We could have an opportunity to experiment more with this on a greenfield service/project.
  • Why didn't we go with Travis-CI?  At project kickoff Travis-CI was having issues with build start latency for open source projects.  30m or longer was typical.
  • Do we need to save on costs?  Not that we're aware of.  It'd be nice however we're also being told we're under spent on server costs.
  • Can Jenkins do something similar?

Migration Testing


  • Tests more than what just starting the service does


  • Tests as written aren't very useful when they pass

Mateusz to continue the discussion on dev forum

Action Items

  •  Wesley Brown to do a quick search if there's an obvious way to replicate TC's "remote run" in Jenkins
  • Josh Zamor to schedule supplying partners & feature flags discussion
  • Mateusz Kwiatkowski to followup on migration testing on dev forum:  brainstorming

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