2016-03-22 Meeting notes

2016-03-22 Meeting notes



5-5:50pm PST

8-8:50pm EST

23 Mar 2016 8-8:50am Beijing / CST



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Dial phone number and enter the Meeting ID (30957362) when prompted
- Toll: +1 201-479-4595


  • Re-architecture progress
  • Release 2.0.1

Discussion items

Previous meeting:  https://openlmis.atlassian.net/wiki/x/EgCIAg

5mCall setup & agenda update 
 Release 2.0.1Rich/JoshSee:  https://github.com/OpenLMIS/open-lmis/releases/tag/v2.0.1
 Re-arch progressJake 
20mGeoJSONElias Muluneh 
 Possible:  Coding style?  
 Possible:  community round-table?  


Time work w/ daylight savings?


Release 2.0.1

Jake Watson (Deactivated) suggests that the product committee form releases in the future.



Jake Watson (Deactivated) covers the re-arch, that it's occurring the week of MAr 28th.  Held in Seattle.  Jake and Darius co-facilitating the discussion of architecture, design, and possibly use-cases.

After the design session, VR will do further refinement on estimations to submit a proposal to gates to accelerate the development of "v3".  Attendees should be VR, PATH, TW, CHAI...  JSI couldn't attend.


Chris George (Unlicensed) asks if there has been an avenue to submit their architectures.  Jake Watson (Deactivated) says not really, the venue for that will be this meeting.  There will be a technical readout and be opened up for future discussion



Elias Muluneh walks through the upload of GeoJSON from the Admin → Manage → Geographic Zones

Intended to be a one time type of operation

Select which level and upload the file

Drag geo data from file to matching zone in DB.


There is a problem with rendering shape files in the browser with just HTML5.  GeoJSON was much better supported.

Jake Watson (Deactivated) thinks that spatial queries and visualizations are needed for various future OpenLMIS problems. 

Chris George (Unlicensed) shares Nyaruka's GeoJSON dataset:  https://github.com/nyaruka/posm-extracts/tree/master/geojson


Jake Watson (Deactivated): if there is a way to geo-tag collected data, it's easy to use in a report later.  Design should have a focus on enabling spatial queries.


Final question:

Chongsun Ahn (Unlicensed) asks about the 2.0-moz branch, and if we can move it off into it's own repo.  Chris George (Unlicensed) says he'll followup soon, and that their goal is to get back on the latest release v2.0.1.   There is a question about the migrations (from serial to timestamp)...  (hard to hear)


Action items

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