PC: October 23 2018

PC: October 23 2018

Call Information

  • 08:00 PDT - Seattle
  • 11:00 EDT - New York, DC
  • 17:00 CAT - Zambia/Malawi (UTC+2)
  • 18:00 EAT - Tanzania/Kenya (UTC+3)

Last Meeting NotesPC: October 9 2018



Lead (Time)

Notes and Updates

Software Development Update

RoadmapLiving Product Roadmap 

Current sprintBacklog Grooming Sprint 110

Upcoming sprintBacklog Grooming Sprint 111


  • 3.4.1 patch release on a performance bug on 10th of October (Release Notes)
  • 3.5 release scheduled for the end of November

Team statshttps://openlmis.atlassian.net/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=12504

Velocity: Context: Includes all four teams.  Team performance is impacted by manual testing, regression testing began in Sprint 105, released 3.4 in Sprint 106.

Key Challenges

  • Time and effort to release still takes up a lot of time. 
  • Key staff were out or unavailable which reduced velocity

 Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) (5 min)

What will be in 3.5, check out the Living Product Roadmap and see the following details

  • Reporting workstream (can track work here)
    • Single Sign on
    • Metrics defined (goal is to get metrics created to populate 12 reports) 
    • Enhancements to superset will most likely be completed by 3.6
  • Integrations workstream
    • mCSD for facility information (Interface - Facility Lists using Global Standards w/ mCSD)
      • Use case 1: OpenLMIS serving mCSD Locations (Care Service Update Provider)

      • Use case 2: OpenLMIS as a consumer of mCSD Locations (Care Service Update Consumer)

    • Potentially DHIS2 integration - current high-level plan, here. Detailed plan and specification is still in development and may be pushed to 3.6 more likely.
  • Feature workstream 
  • Architecture workstream
    • Improvements in integrated testing so we can release faster (reduce manual testing). We will have the pattern established and potentially integrated tests for the Requisition Service.  OLMIS-4565 - Getting issue details... STATUS  and  OLMIS-5496 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Community requested features

Update on OpenSRP mobile integration work

  • Craig will provide an update on the documentation, APK and video for Mobile Stock Management
Craig Appl (Unlicensed) (15 min)

Craig: Software Dev completed last monday

Ona team will create video to showcase work next week. Can possibly demo/show this work next PC meeting.

Update on DHIS2 Approach and Plan

OLMIS-5443 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Josh Zamor (15 min)

Global Fund is supporting the DHIS2 work in Malawi. Currently the team is defining the KPIs. Would like to know what indicators the Global team is working on? Would like to facilitate DHIS2 interoperability and is this inline with the approach the global team is doing? What are the timelines for Global efforts

  • Visualize consumption trends against ?


  • Malawi Request:
  • Overall Design: DHIS2 Integration Software Requirements Specification (under Approach)
    • Using FHIR to communicate with a facility registry
    • Still some elements that would require manual entry (in the current design)
      • Products, Programs, Processing Periods
    • Need to review and address Decision Points defined in spec


  • Will visualizations happen in DHIS2?
  • Will mockups be created for those visualizations?
  • Josh - We have not scoped visualizations as part of this work
  • Mary Jo - Country implementers are likely more responsible for DHIS2 visualizations
    • Unless there is a core set that the community decides should be "included" in some fashion
    • Tanzania already has some DHIS visualizations that might be generally helpful

Mary Jo:

  • Timelines - Planning on working on DHIS2 integration as part of the 3.6 release
  • Will keep the PC up-to-date on the current schedule for this work
Update on  OLMIS-1302 - Getting issue details... STATUS  .Ashraf

Ticket includes proposed UI as attachment.

Upload screens for csv file uploads in OpenLMIS

Built-in importing for all entities except for facilities

InSTEDD for facilities

Mary Jo: Hoping that this can be included in the 3.6 release. Implementers are looking for this tool to facilitate the initial system setup.

Sebastian: Are we planning to use the Ref Data Seed Tool or the Ref Data Services?

  • Josh - these are the same thing (or different aspects of the same thing)
  • Ashraf - Epic details approach. Can discuss with Sebastian on technical details.
  • Sebastian: 
    1. Ref Data Seeding tool requires mapping files but those are not able to be uploaded along with the import file
    2. Some entities must be provided with other entities (eg, orderables also require program orderables). The mockups don't seem to support this

NFR Performance Update

NFR page: Non-Functional Requirements - performance

Wesley Brown (5 min)No updates

Next PC meeting: Ideas??

Wes: Feedback on Discourse and thoughts for configuration/usage?

MJ: continue the discussion on the roadmap for 2019

Craig: will share documentation

Additional Requests and Information:

Upcoming Travel and Coordination to Note: (see Opportunities#Conferences for details)

November 28-30 2018: Lusaka Global Supply Chain SummitOpenLMIS is sponsoring a lunch event on the 29th. Please send out the Save the Date to your network. We hope to get ministers and decision makers in the room to learn about OpenLMIS. We are sponsoring two ministers from Malawi to present on the OpenLMIS v3 implementation in Malawi.

  • This is the Save the Date- please circulate to stakeholders (MoH, donors, etc) who may be interested in supporting/promoting OpenLMIS implementations
  • Potential side events: we are hoping to schedule site visits to see eLMIS/Facility Edition and OpenSRP. Still under discussion. Most likely before the event. November Meetings in Lusaka, Zambia for details.

December 10-11 2018: Global Digital Health Forum in Washington, DC.


 Nuran Idris (Unlicensed)Parambir S Gill (Unlicensed)Josh ZamorAlfred Mchau (Deactivated)Craig Appl (Unlicensed)Sebastian BrudzińskiAmanda BenDor (Unlicensed)AshrafMary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated)Wesley Brown





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