3.6 Scope Planning
3.6 Scope Planning
Gap Feature Groupings: Gap Feature Groupings
Roadmap Epics: https://openlmis.atlassian.net/issues/?filter=20570
Potential Goals Gap Teams
- - OLMIS-4842Getting issue details... STATUS (Team Mind the Gap - continuing from work started before 3.6)
OLMIS-5626Getting issue details...
- Scope still needs to be clarified further and determined if we will use our extension approach to collecting program data. The following is some background on the previously discussed approaches to implementing program data. We will need to figure out if we have time and expertise to do this with the ^ feature
- Program Data Capture
- - OLMIS-549Getting issue details... STATUS
- Scope still needs to be clarified further and determined if we will use our extension approach to collecting program data. The following is some background on the previously discussed approaches to implementing program data. We will need to figure out if we have time and expertise to do this with the ^ feature
- Notifications (MtG) the following pages and epics should be reviewed and the 3.6 scope still needs to be defined.
- Requisition - Customizable notification messages
- Notifications - Push Reminders
- - OLMIS-1094Getting issue details... STATUS
- Interface
- DHIS2 - - OLMIS-5443Getting issue details... STATUS
- Interface - Google Analytics
- Reports
- Reporting - Data pump for R&R and SM - we originally discussed doing this but don't see this on the list of epics
Goals for Team Parrot
- Architecture
- Release faster (this needs scoping)
- Demo data (needs scoping)
- Performance
Goals for external JSI
Considerations with Scheduling
- Ona is the only team which can (currently) build on reporting
- We need to train the other teams soon though
- DHIS2 is going to be handled within the Reporting stack
- OLMIS-5626 scope needs to be further defined and JSI is a key stakeholder
- Data pump work should be done by micro-service/Java teams
Action Items
- Ashraf to schedule meeting (grooming call) with Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) and Wesley Brown to discuss work between 3.5 and 3.6
- Wesley Brown to schedule followup meeting once Ona has had their planning meeting
- Include Ona and Parrot
- Need to determine:
- Priority of goals
- Match teams to goals
OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software