2018-11-02 Team Lead Meeting Notes
2018-11-02 Team Lead Meeting Notes
Discussion Points
- 3.5 Release Schedule
- Suggestion to move the release back to the next sprint
- Some teams will start to go on leave in mid-December which could cause issues
- Maybe try to do the release on a separate schedule from the sprints or start the testing in one sprint and finish the release in the early part of the next
- Sebastian, Joanna's do not want to delay
- Plan on doing testing during week of Nov 26th
- Concerned about bug triage while people are at GHSCS
- Need to get testing done earlier
- Sprint 113 will be our release sprint
- Start with feature tests (or hopefully confirming the tests)
- Once feature tests are complete then move on to regression tests
- Suggestion to move the release back to the next sprint
- Moving meeting times for daylight savings
- May not work for Clay/Sebastian
- Will try to move move meeting to 9:30 EST
- Showcase will stay at 9am EST
Mind the Gap (Sam):
- Why zero story points for OLMIS-4892? Will update with response from Joanna
- Working on multiple suppliers
- Split into two features:
- Configuration
- Splitting the requisition (moved to v3.6)
- Concerned that all of the part one may not be able to get finished in v3.5
- Split into two features:
- Questions about 5499, 5501 for sprint 112
- Can Ona take these on?
Ona (Craig/Clay):
- Long-running tickets: OLMIS-5391, OLMIS-5487, OLMIS-5592 and OLMIS-5462, OLMIS-5534
- Continued to update dataset, as needed
- Lacking 'tracer product' field (or designation) and other missing attributes
- Having to do a field by field review of missing attributes in OLMIS
- May have to include this in v3.6 or whenever they get included in OLMIS
- Tanzania trip:
- Lots of feedback on reports and visualizations
- Still working on SSO
- Unblocked by Chongsun
- Many different API calls required to gather data required for OAUTH
- Multiple services involved, complicated to manage
- This should be simplified going forward and is a complication of the micro-service architecture
JSI (Ashraf):
- Were we going to break up OLMIS-5481 into multiple, smaller tickets?
- Focused on Shipment File work and assisting Ona with report information
- Also working on quickwins - OLMIS-5601, OLMIS-4583
- Awaiting feedback on for work, will let Wes know if no feedback on Monday
- Meeting with Ona for reporting info - OLMIS-5630, OLMIS-5631
- Working to help expand the Superset data schema
- Some data is missing from current OLMIS dataset and will need to be added in another way (CSV?)
- Working to help expand the Superset data schema
- Shipment file work
- May not be able to complete the main part of this work in this sprint but should be able to finish during next sprint (112)
Action Items
- Sam Im (Deactivated) to set up meeting with Adunga and Sam regarding updating test cases
- Wesley Brown to update team lead document based on discussion
- Sam Im (Deactivated) to check if Chongsun can work on associated tasks from OLMIS-5499
- Ashraf to let Wes know about whether team can pick up OLMIS-5545 and/or OLMIS-5494
- Ashraf to schedule meeting with Mary Jo and Wes to go over grooming
- Ashraf to schedule meeting with Muhammad and Clay/Craig to go over SQL-Lab usage
- Wesley Brown Schedule meeting with Sam Im (Deactivated) to discuss testing 3.5 while people are at GHSCS
- Sam Im (Deactivated) to set up meeting for Clay, Craig, Wes, Sam, Muhammad need to meet to discuss test plan for reporting
- Wesley Brown Confirm meeting change to 9:30am with Clay and Sebastian
- Craig Appl (Unlicensed) will ask Clay about taking tickets 5499 and 5501 from MtG for sprint 112
- (If required) Sam Im (Deactivated) to schedule meeting with Josh, Chongsun, and Clay/Craig regarding OLMIS-5499
- Wesley Brown to gather feedback from teams (start with Craig?) regarding working with API and services
- Wesley Brown to set up meeting to discuss/plan notification work for 3.6 with MtG and others as needed
- Wesley Brown to set up meeting to discuss/plan ARV work for 3.6 with JSI and others as needed.
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