Notes from In-person Reporting Meetings in Dar es Salaam - October 29 - November 2
Next steps
- Articulate benefits of reporting platform (Clay)
- Cost out
- Ona-led
- JSI/TZ-led
- Ona guided
- eLMIS retrofit (Clay)
- V3 upgrade (Alfred and Brandon)
- Articulate benefits of v3 (Alfred and Brandon)
General notes / big takeaways
- The team was positive about the platform and its functionality
- We need to be able to give them the platform to incentivize a v3 upgrade
- Needs to be done with TZ specific data
- Desire to fit the reporting stack to TZ
- Encourage buy-in from key stakeholders
- Unclear definition of who a sponsor would be to push an upgrade. MoH ICT minister?
- Demo instance needs:
- TZ demo data
- TZ specific instance
- Map v2 data to data model
- Clay to work with Hassan to determine LOE
Notes on specific reports:
Reporting rate and timeliness
- What's the link between reporting and stock on hand?
- The fact that a facility has reported does not necessarily mean it has adequate stock
- Superset enhancement
- Map with outline plus heatmap
- Color coding in the table
- Include contact info for non-reporting
- Phone numbers
- Add periods of stock
- Want to see national level stock status
- Look into periods of stock data discrepancy
- Tracer products --> flag
- Useful to see $$ information
- E9
- How to consistently id order between eLMIS and E9
Technical input
- Tabular form with:
- # of facilities expected to report
- # of facilities that did report
- # of facilities that did report per item
- % availability of item
Lab equipment module
- Seeing large expirys of lab agents
Wema's reports
- Tracers --> governemnt gives a tracer list
- Do we want to set it as a flag? Probably during the view
- Generates stockout rate, stock levels per period
- End user verification
- Facilities stocked out of ALL ALus 3/4, 2/4, etc.
- Wema to show extract
- Index of availability
- Impact teams
- Combines data from multiple sources
- Want to see breakdown of spending per facility
- Responding to push of fund utilization
- Bring funding together
- Compare cost of emergency orders versus regular orders
- Don't always get full supply when they order stuff
- Prime vendor model
- Redesigned it to fill in gaps where MSD couldn't supply commodities
- Should be able to supply commodities at same price as MSD
- Place emergency orders to prime vendors out of necessity (1 regular order per month)
Products shared by multiple programs
- All shared products go on the same form for requesting and come in on the same order
Meeting with Wema
- Stock Imbalance by Facility
- Stockout Rate
- LMU review orders for accuracy
- Provide mentorship on proper forecasting and ordering
- List of districts / regions below threshold
- Highlight when goes below threshold
- Funding constraints
- Count of facilities with tracer products convert to rate
- Work with LMU to do root cause analysis
- MSD --> medical stores department --> 12 zones, each with 1 LMU
- Tracer commodities --> auto-save the tracers as filters
- Stockouts have thresholds
- ARVs have best stockout rate -- 6-8% (target 5%)
- Essential meds have worst stockout rate -- < 20%
Meeting with Mavere
- Moving from transactional stuff to analytics
- Want to empower the team to be analytics advisors
- LMU staff need to take point
- Geospatial --> important
Meeting with Michael John
- Wema reports stockout rate
- MJ analyzes product availability of implementing regions
- Facilities buy health commodities from a MSD then they have another system to buy from
- Via prime vendor --> more expensive, only supposed to order from here during stockout at MSD
- How much has been spent in procuring commodities outside of MSD
- Private sector system
- Add a column to eLMIS to capture amount and to flag the source of the funding
- Most of the data is collected manually (via paper by traveling to facilities)
- All commodities procured outside of MSD are incorporated into eLMIS
- Price per unit, units
- Get a box of commodities from MSD --> enter itemized prices
- Get another box of commodities from private --> enter itemized prices from invoice
- Plug in a column for the cost - to disaggregate stock received from MSD versus private / external
- Ideal state --> who is sending it and how much they spent on it
- Look at stockout rate and compare against many things
- Patients visited
- Support from private vendor (prime model)
- Reasons for stockout
- Stockout / inadequate stock at MSD
- Lack of $
- Transport logistics
- Need to monetize the commodities with fee schedules
- When ordering from MSD
- Government provides quarterly allowance in MSD account
- Each facility has a subaccount
- If MSD account is depleted then they can top up with own money from other services --> use this to buy stuff from prime vendor
- Some commodities are free --> this should be flagged
- When submitting an order, see the estimated cost
- Prime vendors have another protocol for ordering
- Prioritize user requests for incorporation into dashboard?
- See total amount received
- Total cost received
- Broken down by supplier and commodity
- Want to see this aggregated
Meeting with Peace and Annette
- Stock status --> combine stockouts with stock status
- Stock status
- Overstocked calculation
- Primary focus is around closing balance
- Stockouts --> show where the stockout is coming from
- Consumption
- Adjusted consumption is inflated by stockout days
- If stocked out for half of month --> adjusted consumption = 2 * actual consumption
- Not influenced by emergency consumption
- Adjusted consumption is ok
- Add filter for emergency v regular orders
- Compare against AMC
- Show total consumption
- Order & item fill rate
- "order discrepancy"
- Connect order from Q1 to amount received in Q2
- RSH what quantity received is
- Compare amount actually ordered versus what system said you should order
- Capture reason for emergency orders
- Rejection reasons --> standardize
- Number of emergency orders approved in quarter versus number reported
- Or percentage
- Expected orders
- Rejected R&s
Zonal reports
- R&R approved by user
- Right now just for previous year
- Make it flexible
- Active users
- R&R initiators
- Emergency orders broken down by period, region, district, facility
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