The following diagram displays the core team's roadmap, funded by BMGF, from 3.0 - 3.3. Click on each bar to see the detailed documentation of the features included.
Stock Management
Vaccines MVP
Requisitioning stock
Offline data capture
Exporting Orders
View stock cards & summary
Physical Inventory
Simple Issue/Receive
UI Admin for Ref Data, view wiki for details
Ability to edit all Reference Data via UI
Beta CCE Management
Forecasting & Estimation
Vaccine Stock-Based Requisition
Stock Mgmt enhancements
Re-supply: Local Fulfillment
Reporting: DISC Indicators
Integration with OpenSRP
Integration: RTM
Receiving from a POD
Versions 3.3 - 3.6
G - DevOps (L)
G - Data Ingestion (L)
G - SSO (S)
G - Export Data (M)
G - Set up reporting Database
G - Ingest requisition data
G - Develop superset rights & roles
G - Embed Superset in OpenLMIS
G - Facility Sync mCSD (L)
G - DHIS2 Interface
G- Req Product Lists (S)
G - User Profile (S)
G - RR Columns (S)
G - Conver to Order (S)
G - Report Only (S)
G - Opting out (S)
Stock Based Requisitions
G - Multiple Suppliers
G - Shipment File Import
Redesign Notification Service
G - Notifications
G - Kitting
Patch Release (S/M)
Improve CI (M)
Bug Fixing and Tech Debt
Release Faster
G - Release Requisitions faster
G - Performance Improvements
OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software