PC: November 20 2018

PC: November 20 2018

Call Information

  • 08:00 PDT - Seattle
  • 11:00 EDT - New York, DC
  • 17:00 CAT - Zambia/Malawi (UTC+2)
  • 18:00 EAT - Tanzania/Kenya (UTC+3)

Last Meeting NotesPC: November 6 2018



Lead (Time)

Notes and Updates

Software Development Update

RoadmapLiving Product Roadmap 

Current sprintBacklog Grooming Sprint 112

Upcoming sprintBacklog Grooming Sprint 113


  • 3.5 release scheduled at the end of Sprint 112
  • 3.6 release scheduled for the end of March

Team statshttps://openlmis.atlassian.net/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=12504

Velocity: Context: Includes all four teams.  Team performance is impacted by manual testing, regression testing began in Sprint 105, released 3.4 in Sprint 106.

Key Challenges

 Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) (5 min)

Reminder - we have new Discourse platform and are no longer using Google Groups.  If you have questions about reclaiming user login, let Mary Jo know.

Key update: planning upcoming release.  Great work by teams in last few sprints.  

3.5 Upcoming Release and Process 

3.5 Regression and Release Candidate Test Plan (Scheduled to start Thurs Nov 22nd - TBD when all 3.5 feature tickets are complete)

3.5 QA Release & Bug Triage status (Scheduled daily starting on Nov 26th)

Sam Im (Deactivated)

Once all 3.5 tickets are completed, testing will kick off.  Will start testing in sprint 113 this Thursday. See schedule (test plans, bug tracking etc) in wiki link (see left).  Joanna (from Soldevelo) will take lead for bug triage for testing (given US Thanksgiving holiday).  Note - JSI will close 3pm Wednesday and the 22nd and 23rd.  

Update on development of  OLMIS-1302 - Getting issue details... STATUS Ashraf

Worked on contracting.

Update for user interface for reference tool resource map - Ashraf working with Scott from Insteed. Have gone through resource map and opened account on cloud instance. Scott given privileges to work through administrative issues.  There is an API available. Templates available (can customize the fields).  Through web interface, more difficult and time consuming when importing a large number of sites. 

Where can someone find the approach and other details?  Not uploaded in epic link - Ashraf working to get this information uploaded to Jira or wiki.  Stay tuned.


  • Using the cloud instance.

Learning about ResourceMap

Continued Roadmap conversation

Step 1: Please take this opportunity to create epics (or new features) so that it can be included in our evaluation and prioritization process.

The below features are ones taken from the last brainstorm and others which I've heard directly from people. Please flag others from the Roadmap List here, the requested feature list here or the "ready for work" epics here.

  • OLMIS-4179 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (Malawi and PSM HQ interested)
  • OLMIS-1621 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • OLMIS-3652 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (Vaccine implementations have expressed interest)
  • OLMIS-5661 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (Josh and SIGLUS)
  • OLMIS-1621 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • OLMIS-681 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (Moz/SIGLUS)
  • OLMIS-4786 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (Parambir)
  • OLMIS-5662 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (Ona)
  • OLMIS-5120 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (SolDevelo)
  • OLMIS-5726 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (Angola)
  • OLMIS-3814 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (Angola)
  • Feature parity to SIGLUS/SELV → need to see the list from the report
  • OLMIS-549 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • Ryan Freeland (Deactivated) to send the NFR which Angola is interested in or hoping to have (i.e. UTF-8)  OLMIS-5514 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • OLMIS-5124 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (SolDevelo, Admin → better than 5120)
  • What else?
Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated)

Requesting input - are your current ideas and thoughts in Jira currently? Now is the time to talk about improvements/features to be made.   What Mary Jo has heard about - see list left.  

If you are not seeing an idea that has been raised or something we should be evaluating, raise this now. 

  • Josh - need for kit breakdown (681); need for feature parity between OpenLMIS (web interface vs mobile interface), program data (not in list  - adding 549).
  • Ryan - re-emphasize ticket on superset graphics to be in OpenLMIS.  This is in scope for 3.5 and 3.6.
  • Is there a list of non-functional requirements that have been checked in OpenLMIS?  Information for Angola. 
  • From Soldevelo (5120 - already left).  Also,  5124 (came out of workshop) to add configuration assistant page.

Step 2 (next week)

The following is the criteria I am thinking to use to being evaluating and prioritizing the features. Please provide feedback so that we can reflect the thinking from the entire community.

  • Impacted Role (Storeroom Manager, Administrator, etc)
  • Level of Effort (Small, Medium, Large)
  • Expected Impact to New Adoptions/Implementation (S, M, L)
  • Expected Impact to Current Implementations (S, M, L)
  • Expected Impact on Usability (S, M, L)
  • Does the work support/implement a standard on our Tech roadmap? (Y/N)
  • Performance Implications (S, M, L, and Positive or Negative)


  • Usability: Degree to which OpenLMIS can be used by users to achieve quantified objectives with effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction in a quantified context of use.

  • Maintainability: A clean codebase that is easy to understand, modify, test and works as intended.

  • Performance: Support a fully monitored system and optimize for low-bandwidth settings.

  • Standards: Aim to support agreed upon industry standards within supply chain and data exchange so that implementers can improve visibility and interoperability.


What is Level of Effort?  It is what would it take to implement the epic (ballpark estimation of time).  Good to know to shop around to donors for funding. 

Doing this exercise to curate more information and add value to the roadmap.  Improve on shared understanding on what features we want to work on and why.  Move to community prioritization. 

In Angola workshop, users wanted to know how long it would take to get some updates done so sharing the transparency on development time and overall timeline for availability of the feature is really important.  Also engagement with users in roadmap and what is going into the system.

In the past, just a list of features has not given us enough information about the feature to make decisions.

Will discuss further next week and report out to the PC at next meeting.

NFR Performance Update

NFR page: Non-Functional Requirements - performance

Wesley Brown (5 min)Have re-enabled requisition performance tests from release 3.4 - collecting information again.  Evaluating as they go into 3.6 release.

Next PC meeting: Ideas??

Additional Requests and Information:

Upcoming Travel and Coordination to Note: (see Opportunities#Conferences for details)

November 28-30 2018: Lusaka Global Supply Chain SummitOpenLMIS is sponsoring a lunch event on the 29th. Please send out the Save the Date to your network. We hope to get ministers and decision makers in the room to learn about OpenLMIS. We are sponsoring two ministers from Malawi to present on the OpenLMIS v3 implementation in Malawi.

  • This is the Save the Date- please circulate to stakeholders (MoH, donors, etc) who may be interested in supporting/promoting OpenLMIS implementations
  • Potential side events: we are hoping to schedule site visits to see eLMIS/Facility Edition and OpenSRP. Still under discussion. Most likely before the event. November Meetings in Lusaka, Zambia for details.

December 10-11 2018: Global Digital Health Forum in Washington, DC.

ATTENDANCE: Mary Jo, Sam, Josh, Ashraf, Amanda, Dercio, Sebastian, Craig, Martin, Wes, Ryan




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