December 18, 2018

December 18, 2018

Monthly OpenLMIS Governance Committee Call. This meeting includes members of the governance committee, as well as anyone else interested in participating. 


  • 7:00 - 8:00 AM PST - Seattle
  • 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM EST - New York, DC
  • 3:00 PM CET - Geneva, Copenhagen (4PM during daylight saving time of the year)
  • 5:00 PM EAT - Dar (6PM during daylight saving time of the year)

Call Details

Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/377281719

One tap mobile +16699006833,,377281719# US (San Jose) or +19294362866,,377281719# US

Dial by your location: +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) or +1 929 436 2866 US
Meeting ID: 377 281 719
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/byw2qkHOU

Action items for next call   

Action Items from November Governance

  • Rebecca to collect capability statements from Trusted Partners to put on wiki
  • Rebecca and others to finalize Trusted Partner Declaration of community principles
  • Mary Jo and Ashraf to create comparison Matrix for different OpenLMIS versions and products 
  • Letter to be sent to Permanent Secretary in TZ to request data: Mary Jo to provide Ashraf with the past letter to leverage for submission





Chat Captures

Introductions and Call opening

  • Notes from November Governance call

November Notes

Roll call and quick introductions by all the participants.  

Re-introducing PATH's participation in the community

Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) 

Introduce Brian Taliesin

Update on Sustainability Work

Resonance Team

(Emily & Zach)

 was the date decided for the "midterm checking' meeting in Washington, DC

Update: Thanks to everyone for their time interviewing, continuing these through January

Will be conducting market sounding visit to Malawi and Tanzania- speak with current implementations and potential future customers

Data Research Review Outline- synthesis of past business planning

Discussion/Update on GAVI RFIMary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) and Rebecca

Status update and plan of attack/strategy

For reference: Discourse post by Mary Jo here 

Our questions which we submitted have not been answered

Mary Jo will be pinging people to solicit inputs

Deadline for submission extended to Jan 21st (JSI confirmed that they heard this as well)

3.5 Release UpdateMary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated)

Release notes for version 3.5 outline all the new features

Focus on new reporting and visualization capabilities. A demo of the new reporting stack can be seen in this new video created by Ona 

Trusted Partner Update Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed)

Core team is finalizing a document for Trusted Partners to sign to show their commitment to comply with OpenLMIS community principles ('Trusted Partner Declaration'). The purpose of this is to promote a culture of transparency and clarify expectations for Trusted Partners 

High level overview of document: Endorsement of Digital Development Principles, endorsement of Community Principles. If interested in details send feedback in 1 week.

Trusted Partner Logo: Software Freedom Conservancy- could hold the trademark for us, as well as the source code copyright, as an independent entity. They can do the legal registration

The only way to prevent non-TPs from using the logo is trademark

We could invite DIAL onto our next call to discuss the pros and cons. Related conversation for the copyright of the source code. The Software Freedom Conservancy can help with this on behalf of the community

We think DIAL can help with this. Next Step: have conversation with DIAL around this. Should we move forward with this? Does someone/a small committee want to take this forward?

TO DO Check in with organizations to see if we extract capability information so that we have capability statements on our website.

TO DO Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed) to coordinate final review of the Trusted Partner Declaration

TO DO Invite DIAL and Software Freedom Conservancy to the next governance meeting to support the trademarking of the Logo. Need to confirm if the logo can be done without the code.

Reflections on recent meetings/conferences

Rebecca, Carl


GHSC Summit 2018 - Lusaka, Zambia

OpenLMIS Advocacy event: Over 50 people attended to learn about the Trusted Partner capabilities and Malawi implementation. There was good engagement and questions from the audience.

Gap Project Meetings: Teams came together to discuss the 3.6 scope. Conducted a retrospective on the project to date to learn and pivot on practices where needed.

Brandon Bowersox-Johnson comment: There were 3 clear next steps in the trip report notes – which committees or meetings will take up each of these 3 to keep the momentum going for harmonizing the versions and the way the community collaborates around the versions?

  1. How do we talk about the different versions? Create a shared understanding of how to talk about the different versions.... (see details in notes linked above)
  2. Take a deeper dive into the gradual/’shadow’ approach of migration
    A clear message/perspective is needed. We should have follow-up discussions in committees.
  3. Governance Committee Meeting Agenda item: Responding to the GAVI/RFI RFI.

GDHF 2018

Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed) comment: lots of discussion around the need and intent for increased donor alignment to coordinate funding for sustainable digital health interventions. Excitement around the recent launch of the Principles of Donor Alignment for Digital Health -details available here 

Lots of side meetings with follow up items. Empower and BAO have expressed interest in becoming a Trusted Partner, so that will likely be raised in our next meeting

Global Goods meeting

Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) comment:

  • Opportunities to connect with other Global Goods more frequently.
  • Lively conversation around governance models and interested in the Trusted Partner concept. Potentially follow up with folks to ensure we are reflecting on their comments. 
  • Obtained the valuation tool from Merrick. Do we want to pursue doing this for OpenLMIS?
  • Keep Atlas updated with OpenLMIS implementations.
  • Global Good Guidebook will be used by USAID Missions.
  • Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed) to add agenda item for next meeting to reflect on the governance model discussions from this meeting

Carl Leitner

  • Donors are interested in finding out the 'right' way to support global goods. Understand that there is room for improvement.

Conferences and Meetings

Conferences provide the community the opportunity for OpenLMIS members to speak or represent the OpenLMIS software and community in public forum.



  • Global Health Supply Chain Summit (GHSCS)
  • Global Digital Health Forum
    • Washington, DC December 10-11th
    • Abstract to participate in panel accepted ''Facilitating collaboration to accelerate, scale and improve digital health global goods ''
    • OpenLMIS poster
  • Digital Square Global Goods Implementers Meeting-Dec 13
    • 3 members of OpenLMIS core steward team attended
  • Angola
    • Linking facility data (Connect-A-Thon)
    • Postponed  

World Health Summit for Digital health principles

  • Launched Principles of Donor Alignment for Digital Health -details available here 
  • Global Good Guidebook was presented (OpenLMIS is featured in here)- details available here

Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition- General Meeting

Opportunities Roundtable

Definitions to use shared terminology:

  • Implementation opportunity: an opportunity for an implementation or deployment of the OpenLMIS software.  Usually this is done at a national or sub-national level within a ministry of health. This can also include feature work which would be done within the implementation and contributed back to the global codebase.
  • Community opportunity: a funding opportunity to support an organization or individual to work directly on the global codebase and/or administrate the community processes. This may include funding specific features on the community roadmap.
Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed)

Community implementation opportunities:

  • This Trello table is being updated on an ongoing basis; to help the core team to track and manage implementation opportunities, but also provides a detailed snapshot of the scope and status of current implementation opportunities for stakeholders.

Agenda item for our next meeting in Jan

What is our strategy for interoperability?

list some interoperability use cases on a wiki page

strategy for fostering connections with other orgs: for example: TransIT

link to documentation in 3.5 about interoperability


Community and Product Updates
Product Updates
Community Updates

https://www.ictworks.org/creating-unified-data-views/ - Clay's blog post

Video that was prepared by GHSC-PSM in Malawi showcasing the perspectives of the users that started using OpenLMIS a little over a year ago
Please see the video on Youtube





OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software