2018 11 OpenLMIS GHSCS and Gap Meeting Trip Report

2018 11 OpenLMIS GHSCS and Gap Meeting Trip Report

Attendees: Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated)Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed)Wesley BrownJosh ZamorBrandon Bowersox-JohnsonEdward WilsonSebastian BrudzińskiAshrafClay Crosby (Unlicensed)Chifundo Chilivumbo (Deactivated)Alfred Mchau

Follow Up Items

  • For future Advocacy events: 
      • Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed) Add a critical success factors slide to either the country or global presentation
      • Remind people that as they think about digitizing their supply chains, they may want to approach it in a modular way with an overarching strategy rather than trying to do everything all at once. We can create some talking points and attempt to get partners raising this with prospective implementers
  • GAP:  Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) OpenLMIS budget import should perhaps be simplified into importing aggregate budget balance per facility, per program, per period.
  • OpenLMIS community should do more around sharing best practices and helping implementations understand what it takes to go paperless. (If we just introduce an electronic system and do not ever remove the paper process, then we are creating significant additional burden on health workers and the health system).
  • Sharing site visit experience:Since most software engineers working on OpenLMIS cannot or have not attended a site visit, I believe we need to work on capturing and sharing this knowledge as a community. A few ideas: Create “user journey maps” on the OpenLMIS wiki; have the people who attended the site visits host a “skit” at their office to demonstrate/re-enact the end-user workflows to all other staff working on OpenLMIS; create video recordings or photo essays/graphic novels to illustrate the site visits in a way that can be shared online.There is also need to share the background, roadmap and milestones achieved for the visiting teams to appreciate the phases of transition from “what was” to “what is” including the future.
  • The community as a whole needs to create shared understanding of how to talk about the different versions
      • (1) Clearly communicate to external parties to reduce confusion.
      • (2) Appropriately attribute experience and learnings to each unique version.
      • (3) Clearly communicate which implementers and which donors are supporting which versions.
  • Take a deeper dive into the gradual/’shadow’ approach of migration- discuss this in committee meetings
  • Explore new ways to promote country-level engagement; perhaps activities that promote more experience sharing opportunities or promoting capacity building for country level developers
  • Josh Zamor Keep in touch with Ishan and TransIT so that when integration does come up, we can encourage a solution that works with v3 and which has a low cost to build for each v1/v2 implementation in use. Reach out to them in early 2019
  • Follow up with Yordanos (JSI Ethiopia) about their approach to meta data alignment in Ethiopia across all the different JSI systems.
  • Explore LogME for Malawi and Mozambique needs (see session notes for details)

Presentations: Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) and Josh Zamor can you kindly upload your presentations below?

Full Trip Report: The below trip report contains detailed notes and photos on:

  • eLMIS Site visit
  • Contacts met at the event
  • Gap Team Meeting Notes
  • OpenLMIS Advocacy Lunch Notes/Observations
  • OpenLMIS Community Meeting Notes/Observations
  • Notes from conference sessions that are relevant to OpenLMIS

*Please feel free to leave comments or suggestions in the google doc for the team to follow up on. We would love to hear from you!

Source Documenthttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ri-ja7UEA-n5ELw4AMLsEYGc3EV5nZ8FMsVBQszlWZQ/edit#

OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software