DHIS2 Metric Scope and Definition
DHIS2 Metric Scope and Definition
Below is the list of indicators that our DHIS2 integration will support. Each one is calculated per product, reporting period, facility, and program.
Stock Status
Evaluated based on the logic below:
- Stockout: stockOnHand = 0, totalStockoutDays > 0, beginningBalance = 0, or if maxPeriodsOfStock = 0
- Understocked: 0 < maxPeriodsOfStock < 3
- Adequately Stocked: 3 <= maxPeriodsIOfStock <= 6
- Overstocked: maxPeriodsOfStock > 6
Received Quantities
The amount from the totalReceivedQuantity field on the requisition line item for that product, reporting period, and facility.
Consumed Quantities
The amount from the totalConsumedQuantity field on the requisition line item for that product, reporting period, and facility.
Total Stockout Days
The total number of days in the totalStockoutDays field on the requisition line item for that product, reporting period, and facility.
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