GHSC-TZ Migration (Project Casper)
GHSC-TZ Migration (Project Casper)
Formerly known as Ghost Instance
Placeholder for future project space.
Project Goals:
- Prove out an approach for an upgrade path to v3 from eLMIS in TZ
- Deliver incremental value of v3, and slowly replace existing legacy eLMIS. See Strangler Pattern.
Background material:
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Mcd0l2PP8pac6vYeDFtev8moY6IARaHOIVosBta2vBs/edit?usp=sharing
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/19L-zvGrxMmZhXIUjIdMRqfK4cVT1qwguuDqv8vqkg10/
GitLab/GitHub repositories (code and configuration):
- https://gitlab.com/openlmis/casper-elmis - configuration files to build and deploy eLMIS (does not contain eLMIS source code)
- https://gitlab.com/openlmis/casper-pipeline - configuration files to build and deploy Casper ETL pipeline
- https://github.com/OpenLMIS/openlmis-deployment/tree/master/provision/terraform/casper - configuration of provisioning of eLMIS and v3 servers
- https://github.com/OpenLMIS/openlmis-deployment/tree/master/deployment/casper_env - configuration of automated deployment of v3 server
- https://gitlab.com/openlmis/casper-deployment - configuration of CI/CD process
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