2019-03-14 Gap Governance Meeting notes

2019-03-14 Gap Governance Meeting notes






  • Review status
  • Highlight or raise any risks
  • Review upcoming travel

Discussion items


Check-in on Budget/Spending

  • See the table below (In Progress)
  • The projections are high-level projections through the end of the grant. March may have more funding spent around the release time.
  • Discussion:

Contracting Update

Any concerns or updates?

Double check the contract end dates.

  • Contracts end 31 May 2019
  • Invoiced amounts will decline starting in April
  • For JSI, there are some admin close-out costs in May; hopefully those will be covered by April coming under budget. (May time was not included in the estimate JSI provided.)

Travel Requests

Please submit your USAID concurrence request to Wesley Brown

  • Wesley Brown To discuss with VR, SD, and countries and get possible numbers.
  • Wesley Brown to follow up with Clay about location (Kenya or Poland)

Brandon: Would be nice to get plugged into the Kenyan (African in general) tech scene (iHub et al)

Ashraf: Would be good to be able to leverage the local Ona team in Kenya

Matt: Good to consider building capacity with SolDevelo given that they will be doing work on future OpenLMIS implementations, eg Angola. Matt: Given the attendees and stuff, I'm not sure the local tech scene connection will be that effective.

Edward: It will require an intentional plan to connect with the tech scene. It won't happen automatically. It will take planning as an explicit trip objective.

Wes: In Poland we do get way more access to more of the SolDevelo team members.

Timeframe to make a decision is end of April or early May.

February & March (Sprints 119 &120)  -  Gap Project Review

Team Performance

Please note that performance does NOT include meetings, design work nor testing. Points do not reflect all the work completed but are the best measure at this time and help us understand where the effort is during the sprints.

Team Feedback:

  • Across the board: 
    • Wes: Last 2 sprints have had lower velocity a bit. We are getting to the last few, harder/surprising things to finish for v3.6 (kits, documentation, production-ready reporting stack, etc).
  •  Ona
    • There have been a number of scoping changes on the DHIS2 work over the last three sprints.
    • We had 2 people on leave for Sprint 120, which caused a reduction in accomplishments
  • JSI
    • Kitting was not an area that the team already had experience with and so more time was spent on the design (with Josh) and some technical debt had to be "paid" to continue work on the feature
    • Next two sprints are expected to be larger
  • MTG
    • Tracking the velocity a little "tighter", has helped to keep a consistent level of work for each sprint

Risks for 3.6

Please share if you feel there are any key risks to completing 3.6 on time and with the defined scope.

3.6 Feature List

  • Report capacity meeting
  • DHIS2 delivery
  • Kits
  • Shipment File Import
  • Notifications
  • Performance improvements

Gap Project Spend

We are currently doing some reallocation of funds so these numbers may shift.

Grant AmountAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberJanuary 2019February 2019March 2019April 2019May 2019
% of total2.17%5.19%5.88%6.71%9.68%7.20%8.50%12.36%7.44%10.60%10.54%7.62%4.66%2.01%


YTD (thru December) Spend



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