2019-03-25 QA Weekly Meeting notes

2019-03-25 QA Weekly Meeting notes


Mar 25, 2019



  • @Sam Im (Deactivated)

  • @Joanna Bebak (Deactivated)

  • @Joanna Szymańska (Deactivated)


Testing updates

Discussion items










Process & status reporting

  • Testing status & automating reporting for each sprint

    • 3.6 test status and reporting

    • Bug triage reporting page

    • Other reports?

  • 3.6 Test Plan (@Joanna Bebak (Deactivated) )

    • 3.6 release testing is scheduled to start in Sprint 123

    • Other schedule questions:

      • If we can start early, what testing should we start with? If there are delays to start, how do we handle them, for example if the reporting work isn’t done yet, can we start?

    • Environment setup - need to inform Josh when we are ready to set up the environment for release testing (create a ticket and assign to him)

    • Team responsibilities and owners

      • Need to confirm who will be responsible and available for day to day and bug triage

    • Demo data review for new features (any new users or facilities to add to demo data on Test Plan page? Should we include devs in this review?)

    • Demo data bugs that should be cleaned up before we start testing 3.6 https://openlmis.atlassian.net/issues/?filter=20642

  • Any other topics to add? @Joanna Bebak (Deactivated) @Joanna Szymańska (Deactivated)




Next steps for 3.6 test plan:

@Joanna Bebak (Deactivated) & @Sam Im (Deactivated) will determine when to schedule the test plan review.




Tickets that have been open and have not changed status @Wesley Brown :

OLMIS-5438: Display Products within the Product Categories on the Physical Inventory Done - is still in QA



Bugs that have been in Roadmap status for over a year @Wesley Brown :

OLMIS-4412: Can create an order with ordered quantities all zeroTo Do

OLMIS-4556: Can confirm a shipment with shipped quantities all zeroTo DoWe need to decide what to do with these bugs but it is a low priority.


Action items


OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software