2019-04-16 TC Meeting notes
2019-04-16 TC Meeting notes
7am PST / 3pm CET
Meeting Link
- Elias Muluneh
- Sebastian Brudziński
- Wesley Brown
- Klaudia Pałkowska (Deactivated)
- Nikodem Graczewski (Unlicensed)
- Łukasz Lewczyński (Deactivated)
- Paweł Cieszko (Unlicensed)
Discussion items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
5m | Agenda and action item review | Josh Zamor | |
5m - if enough time (next time) | Changes to the dev process after 3.6 release | Wesley Brown | |
5m | Forum post: de-dockerize dev environment (a little) | Josh Zamor | Encourage reading and responding to https://forum.openlmis.org/t/docker-vms-and-the-price-we-pay/5042 |
15m | Orderables versioning update? And how it connects to product registry | Sebastian Brudziński | |
5m | Angola contributions | Sebastian Brudziński | 2019-04-16 Meeting notes - Angola team / collaboration with core |
AOB? |
Dev process after 3.6 (Team Organization Meeting)
- Finishing up gap project - less funding, smaller team, fewer teams.
- Organize SolDevelo teams into 1 team.
- Stop having team lead meeting
- Reducing the daily updates, so that blockers can be called out more clearly
- Continue to have feature discussions during planning is important
- Stewards / support needs to answer quickly - timezone problems.
Overall the change to dev process is a no, with mostly streamlined processes.
Team roughly 6ish. Encourage all to communicate via slack - to include remote members.
Reference data upload - informal contributions
- Similar to Angola conversation
External and internal contribution process:
- <josh fill in>
Forum post
- Anything we can do to use the native machine is more performant, likely helps engineers in Africa.
- We'd need to find a place to start - which service/UI
- Template service is likely a good spot to start, it'll help tell us how much effort is involved.
- On UI side we might rely heavily on volumes - so much so that moving away from full docker might be a trick.
- Frontend might have fewer docker tooling issues - however we might need more sample experience.
- Docker swarm is useful for keeping everything within the docker world - and that's useful for keeping machines the same. If a machine breaks, the pieces can be reset. VM use-case.
- Esp on frontend, where images are 1-3 GB, African developers are asking for an export to a zip file, so it may be downloaded using a download accelerator (i.e. it has resume capability).
Orderables versioning
- Process has been to update orderables in database.
- Versioning has been a long time coming(?) - we've done very little over the past years
- Missing piece we still don't have in API & UI.
In kits and reference data upload we've:
- Reference data has a PUT method on orderables (maintains separate version numbers)
- current impl is at app level, not on DB level.
- API has specific retrieve of a version
- The client work (e.g. updating Requisition) is still outstanding.
- Upcoming work in ref data seed tool / ref data upload that should allow updating an Orderable through a CSV file for Orderables and ProgramOrderables.
Product Registry doesn't block updating orderables / versions on OpenLMIS' side.
Action Items
- Josh Zamor write up above notes on contribution process and write forum post with poll
- Sebastian Brudziński to add meeting note links for angola contributions.
, multiple selections available,
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