2019-05-28 TC Meeting notes
2019-05-28 TC Meeting notes
7am PST / 4pm CEST
Meeting Link
- Josh Zamor
- Chongsun Ahn (Unlicensed)
- Sebastian Brudziński
- Mateusz Kwiatkowski
- Klaudia Pałkowska (Deactivated)
- Nikodem Graczewski (Unlicensed)
- Łukasz Lewczyński (Deactivated)
Discussion items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
5m | Agenda and action item review | Josh Zamor | |
30 m | How translations work for Angola | Mateusz Kwiatkowski | https://forum.openlmis.org/t/translation-customization/5130 |
1 m | Collecting notes on next steps on reporting stack | Josh Zamor | We have:
Can we focus everything into production readiness #2 epic? |
10m | Angola - domain model design for new Stock on Hand work | Sebastian Brudziński | https://forum.openlmis.org/t/calculating-stock-on-hand/5124 |
(next time) | PouchDB and flaky tests | Chongsun Ahn (Unlicensed) | Testing that involves the wrapper for PouchDB causes the UI tests to be flaky (what we sometimes refer to as random failures):
Angola Translations
- Simplest and cleanest solution has been the one transifex project where every other source project is mashed together
- It's short (34) because in the final angola UI it merges / overrides those from core's reference UI and it's components.
- Only works for UI messages, no need yet for backend solution came up yet.
- Factors in using Tx:
- slow release cycle in core
- between speeding up release cycle and disconnecting from the release cycle, we tend to prefer disconnecting from the release cycle.
- also possibly all PT users agreeing that this Angola PT translation is the right one
- This happened for english in Malawi (e.g. Requisition → LMIS Form)
- Current solution is to put those in the implementation specific Tx project in Angola, Malawi overrode it and have it in the code base
- Tx has some support for this, however we need to research this more.
- Angola added a couple new messages (e.g. contact support)
- slow release cycle in core
Angola SoH data model
- Overall looking good
- Primary question revolved around the date / timezone topic
- We'll followup in the linked forum post
Action Items
- Mateusz Kwiatkowski to write up the issue for researching different versions of same lang in Tx support
- Josh Zamor to write up some next steps on the topic of disconnecting translations from release cycle for implementations
- Chongsun Ahn (Unlicensed) to followup on SoH data model timezone thoughts in forum post
OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software