PC: May 7 2019
Last Meeting Notes: PC: April 23 2019
Item | Lead (Time) | Notes and Updates |
Software Development Update Roadmap: Living Product Roadmap Current sprint: Backlog Grooming Sprint 123 Upcoming sprint: Release:
Team stats: https://openlmis.atlassian.net/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=12504 Velocity: Context: Includes all four teams. Team performance is impacted by manual testing, regression testing began in Sprint 105, released 3.4 in Sprint 106, released 3.5 in Sprint 113, Holidays impacted 114 and 115. | Wesley Brown (5 min) | Version 3.6 Release Update Final rounds of testing are happening today (for Malawi and Reports) and we are planning to roll out version 3.6 tomorrow! Final rounds of testing are just finishing and planning on rolling out 3.6 release tomorrow or Thursday! Next Sprint will be for 3.7; the team make up will be different moving forward; mostly SolDevelo with some support from VillageReach. Obviously velocity is expected to reduce |
Version 3.6 Webinar | Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed) (5 min) | Registration URL: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/6474d7df5d11341ad746f627e8486654 Potential for future webinars in multiple languages. We are looking for community members that are willing to help lead this (Portuguese, French). Dércio Duvane is willing to help with this! SIGLUS meeting next Friday, could discuss this at the time or plan for something in the future. Thanks Dercio! |
Country-Specific Slack Channels | Wesley Brown (5 min) | Would a Portuguese-Language Slack channel be helpful for the Angola/Mozambique team? Yes! We created one: portuguese_moz_ang. This will be disseminated to others by Dercio and the rest of the Moz team If others have channels that they want created on Slack or Discourse for country or language specific dialogue, just let the steward team know |
Implementation Feedback - Angola | Simon Dean (Unlicensed) (15 min) | Provide the MoH with context for how a digitized supply chain can benefit them. There were a number of training and capacity building activities to that end SIGLOFA is the name in Angola- Sistema Informatica de Gestao de Logistica Farmaceutica de Angola Rollout of the initial pilot in March - Hospitals in Luwanda, another pilot in April, testing and training May-June, June-July UAT (last pilot), National launch in August (many trainings throughout the country) Provided responsibilities within the MoH within a technical working group-foster ownership and sustainability. Lead of the group is the IT Lead with the MoH Refined requirements and got more user feedback in 2 learning sessions, 3 days each. That included the launch of the validation instance Established a lot of SOPs for supply chain at various levels, and an M&E plan - from scratch! Need to create an SOP that works with OLMIS as well as the fallback paper-based system. Goals of the pilot: evaluate the system, provide training to users, install hardware, re-assess sites for readiness, re-assess inventory Implementation Challenges:
Technical Challenges:
3.7 Feature Priorities | Wesley Brown (15 min) | Potential 3.7 Feature List Moved: 3.7 Scope Planning Products that are used for multiple programs: if you create different product codes that can introduce issues with GS1; want to have visibility of data–if it gets updated for one program, does it update for others? Yes, if you are using the stock management function, it would get updated for the other program. If there are different codes associated with different programs then they would be treated separately. There could be other implications here that need to be validated/thought through
Product Committee Survey | Wesley Brown (5 min) | Last chance to respond to the survey! |
Next PC meeting: Topic ideas?? | Survey Results, Implementation Feedback | |
Additional Requests and Information: |
ATTENDANCE: Wesley Brown Christine Lenihan, Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed), Sebastian BrudziĆski, Simon Dean (Unlicensed), Dércio Duvane, Parambir S Gill (Unlicensed), Sam Im (Deactivated), Ashraf
- Wesley Brown to paste meeting link once ready
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