OpenLMIS Interoperability

OpenLMIS Interoperability

This page captures quick-to-access, high-level information about OpenLMIS' interoperability; aimed to foster informed conversations with potential customers.

FunctionProductActive IntegrationsEmployed Data StandardsPurposeKey Learnings & OpportunitiesEdited By

Example Row:

Remote Temperature Monitoring (RTM)

NexLeaf2 active integrations: Tanzania (VIMS, 2017) and Mozambique (SELV, 2014; added RTM in 2017)Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resource (FHIR)Knowing the status of cold chain equipment is vital to managing immunization supply chainsReceived feedback that this is a big value add, want to incorporate it into all future immunization implementations. It is cheaper to integrate at the onset of an implementation vs. midway through

Kim, 7/27/19

Name 2, M/DD/YY

Health Management Information System (HMIS)DHIS2v2 has an active integration with DHIS2 in Tanzania but is custom bespoke data. Malawi in the process of deploying it (v3).FHIR Location, Measure and MeasureReportSo that OpenLMIS can own the definition of key supply chain metrics and indicators, and to be able to populate that in DHIS2 which often has other health indicators.DHIS2 is widely used and this integration is attractive to most. Pairing routine HIS data with LMIS data can facilitate data comparisons/analysis that help decision makers see how their patient level results related to their product usage (ie: did the increased consumption of malaria RDTs decrease patient visits showing acute malaria?) 

Rebecca, 7.30.19

Josh 8.9.19

Warehouse Management SystemSageZambia (v2)Configurable CSVHave orders be fulfilled and to send shipment files to openlmis so that it may create a proof of delivery form.

Warehouse Management SystemEpicorTanzania (v2)Configurable CSVHave orders be fulfilled and to send shipment files to openlmis so that it may create a proof of delivery form.

Electronic Medical Records (EMR)OpenMRSNo integration with OpenMRS. Been on bucket list.

Has ordering function, (e.g. lab test), could be interesting to integrate with that. Bahmni uses it to transfer OLMIS to Odoo
Facility RegistrationOpenHIE
FHIR LocationTo share common understandings of where stock is, where it's in country, and to correlate to health indicators.

Product Catalog Management / Product RegistryPCMT(forthcoming)TBDTo support better product data which better supports interoperability between systems, and especially between domains:  health to supply chain, supply chain to health insurance, supply chain to health indicator reporting.The concept of a "product" shifts when examined in different contexts:  clinical, supply chain, etc.  The PCMT aspires to help tame all the various product definitions and catalogs in use, and to further bridge these definitions to other adjacent domains.



Mobile Data CollectionCommCare SupplyTanzania (ILR Gateway)

This seems like a good option to explore. I regularly get questions about our ability to loop in with frontline health worker LMIS data. The problem is that many countries are not in a stage of readiness to actually implement this (because their CHW supply chains are ad hoc and dont have the right processes in place. but some might!)

Rebecca 7.30.19

Josh 8.9.19

Mobile Data CollectionOpenSRP
OpenLMIS APIWhen it has the ability to turn diagnosis information into demand / consumption, moving it closer to the patient gets us around looking at aggregate demand that's recorded closer
Kim 8/15
Remote Temperature Monitoring (RTM)NexLeaf
FHIR Location and Device

Sending SMSRapidPro/TextItNot yet active. If you were to spin up two systems, you could use it, have tested it and built support.

Data integrationOne NetworkAvailable in POC being set up in MalawiAPIProvides the ability for a country to use the OpenLMIS data to perform higher end supply chain functions such as Demand Planning and Inventory Optimisation. Many countries want to go beyond OpenLMIS functionality and struggle to do so. This is a great way of ensuring that future functionality is made available through this integrationDavid  
Data integrationDHIS 2 Being implemented in Mozambique - SELV and will be made available in the core solution in 3.16 release (Oct 2023)APIAllows for the integration between OpenLMIS and DHIS 2 to provide data sharing where logistics data is captured by DHIS 2In progress


Temperature trackingBerlingerNot yet implemented but on the cards when the need arisesAPIEnables the user to monitor and manage the temperature control within different areas where stock is stored. Data logged on Berlinger devices will be displayed with flags where limits set have been breachedTo still be initiated


AnalyticsGoogleNot yet implemented but dueAPIReplace the current Superset reporting stack with Google analytics to provide the user with greater reporting and analytical capabilitiesPlanning stageDavid  
ReportingSupersetImplemented in the Core and several countriesAPIIntegrated to the latest version of Superset for OpenLMIS to enable improved reporting Implemented in multiple countries. Previous version had vulnerabilities so the upgrade was also necessary from a security perspective David  

Additional Questions:

Are there other functions and/or products that OpenLMIS has tried to be interoperable with that were not successful? Why?

  • Response 1 Placeholder (Name, Date)
  • Response 2 Placeholder (Name, Date)

Are there other functions and/or products that OpenLMIS would like to be interoperable with? Why? What has been the hurdle?

  • Response 1 Placeholder (Name, Date)
  • Response 2 Placeholder (Name, Date)

Other relevant things to note?

  • Need master data to be the same between systems, TZ has 3k, management has historically to manage that. TZ is a mapping, follows ERP; constant source of pain. Haven't captured the right information. Most projects finds that there's duplicate information, transfer fails, and quality issues. (KC 8/15)
  • Talking about direct integrations, but in many implementations, another tool (e.g. Clinica, HIE) has been responsible for transferring that information (middleware). (KC 8/15)
  • Data that OpenMRS and OpenSRP, OpenLMIS doesn't care about. Connection is that they're both part of health ecosystem, but currently deal with different things. No direct connection with OpenMRS, it is separate data. Prefer more to talk to Bahmni, OpenMRS has patient information, but we do want to connect it into the supply, could look at demand based on what people are diagnosed with, look more at inventory is being recorded as in Odoo. Therefore we want to communicate to a clinical system. OpenMRS implementations typically missing stock management. OpenSRP has basic stock and inventory system.

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