2016-05-31 Meeting notes
4-4:50pm PDT
7-7:50pm EDT
1 June 2016 7-7:50am Beijing / CST
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- Chongsun Ahn (Unlicensed)
- Ben Leibert
- Jeff Xiong (Unlicensed)
- Rich Magnuson (Deactivated)
- Darius Jazayeri (Unlicensed)
- Re-arch progress
- Check out the new repos ahead of time:
- Team and development process details: Software Development Methodology
- Spike findings on "extraData" with document databases
- Decide on open-lmis repository role in v3
Pengfei demonstrated use of a document DB (MongoDB) in conjunction with Postgres to store extra data.
- Worked well, but unclear on whether this is preferred to JSON data type approach
Rich outlined the re-architecture project effort, including the engagement with Soldevelo to accelerate the effort. A brief description of the process is here, and all work is tracked in JIRA. Josh outlined the purpose of the new v3 repositories.
Tech committee’s decision making process. How can tech decisions be made in a timely manner?
Darius: OpenMRS model has a chief architect role, along with “lieutenants” in component areas – these roles make the final decisions. This doesn’t seem like a good model for OpenLMIS. If consensus it not achieved, perhaps a vote? A vote among the tech committee might be better than amongst contributors at this point.
Jeff: we seem reach consensus most of the time.
Darius: What is an example of a recent decision?
Josh: The question on the OpenLMIS repository. Has been out there for some time, but no input other than from Darius and Rich.
Darius: consider restating and putting a time limit on it?
All: need to revisit this topic, especially with Elias/JSI present for input.
(not mentioned: Fisheye, Crucible and Zephyr are now installed on OpenLMIS’ JIRA. Fisheye is used for more insight on the code repositories, Crucible we may trial for code review (it came free with Fisheye), and Zephyr is for basic test case management. Check ‘em out and let us know what you think)
Action items
- Pengfei Cui (Deactivated) post document DB POC code
- Chongsun Ahn (Unlicensed) post JSON datatype POC
- Josh Zamor, Elias Muluneh, Jeff Xiong (Unlicensed), discuss either on or offline an approach to making timely Tech Committee decisions. And, decide the OpenLMIS repo question.
- Rich Magnuson (Deactivated) Post sprint review meeting invite
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