Global - Sept 17 2019
Last Meeting Notes: PC: August 20 2019
Item | Lead (Time) | Notes and Updates |
Software Development Update Roadmap: Living Product Roadmap Current sprint: Backlog Grooming Sprint 132 Upcoming sprint: Backlog Grooming Sprint 133 Version 3.7:
Team stats: Velocity: | Wesley Brown, Sebastian Brudziński(5 min) | 3.7 Release Update |
Implementer Meeting Feedback | Wesley Brown (5 min) | Meeting Notes: Implementers - September 3 2019 Highlights:
Philippines Trip Report | Ashraf (15 min) | Great feedback on many different products. Possible quick-win to add:
Parambir: Would be helpful to setup a separate call to discuss
Casper Project Demo (TZ Migration) | Josh Zamor / Philip Garrison (Deactivated) (15 min) |
Josh: This is a proof of concept of v2-v3 data migration
Version 3.8 | Wesley Brown (10 min) | Feature Backlog: Feature Backlog Proposed Features:
Christine - Interested to hear more about the Config Assistant, Stock Management perf improvement quite high on priorities, Offline support for SM would be good as well |
Next PC meeting: Topic ideas?? | ||
Additional Requests and Information: |
Ashraf, Josh Zamor, Parambir S Gill (Unlicensed), Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed), Sebastian Brudziński, Christine Lenihan, Wesley Brown, others?
- Wesley Brown to paste meeting link once ready
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