FHI360- Humanitarian context Nigeria

FHI360- Humanitarian context Nigeria

OpenLMIS participantsWesley BrownRebecca Alban (Unlicensed)

FHI360 : Emmanuel Ndukauba- Technical Officer- Pharmacy. Responsible for health commodity movements down to the field site; state 

Background: They are interested in a tool for FHI to help manage humanitarian supplies; need to make a case for it; they have other projects that might need it. For humanitarian projects, they are currently relying on Excel. It could be piloted in Banako Nigeria, and then if successful, used in other FHI360 programs. There is another project in Yemen and one other country (he couldn't remember which). If this works here in Nigeria, they could adopt it. 

Types of products; medicines, medical consumables; other medical supplies. There are a few cold chain items (non-vaccines). Vaccines are being handled in the public system

Regarding locations of where the stock data would come from: do the locations change? The locations are static (pre-defined)

Requirements that they wanted: 

  • Monitor basic warehouse inventory
  • Track stock issued, received, transferred
  • Monitor real time stock status/stock levels from other locations i.e. we should be able to see what each supported sites have at each point in time.
  • Track/flag soon to expire/expired products (it is OK if we cant flag it; we can generate reports on it
  • Generate consumption report for each items for ease of forecast

Monitoring of the expiration dates is useful, even if we don't have the capability to send notifications/flag them. Wesley Brown to check and see if this functionality was added in Angola...

They just want to track inventory of coming in and coming out of their sites. He has watched our demo videos and thinks it would be useful. 

The system is intended to be able to scaled up or down depending on what the needs are. We can find ways to make it appropriate for your use case. Costs tend to come in in implementation; hardware, training, etc. 

What do they need to make their case? Usually we work from an RFP to make the list of requirements. They want a very rough cost estimate (nothing formal); descriptive is fine i think at this stage

Their situation: 5 field sites to deploy; 10 personnel to be trained (pharmacists and logistics assistants); they have a large team in the state, and an office who could help support the roll out, but if we have partners in Nigeria who could support the would prefer to have help from a Trusted Partner

Next steps:

-Stewards try to support by providing a rough estimate of what this might cost to do

-Set up a meeting with us, Emmanuel, and Christine ?

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