Implementers - November 5 2019

Implementers - November 5 2019

Call Information

  • 00:00 PDT - Seattle
  • 03:00 EDT - New York, DC
  • 10:00 CAT - Zambia/Malawi (UTC+2)
  • 11:00 EAT - Tanzania/Kenya (UTC+3)

Last Meeting NotesImplementers - September 3 2019



Lead (Time)

Notes and Updates

Software Development Update

RoadmapLiving Product Roadmap 

Current sprintBacklog Grooming Sprint 136

Upcoming sprintBacklog Grooming Sprint 137

Version 3.8: 

Team statshttps://openlmis.atlassian.net/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=12504


3.7 Released!

Version 3.8 Update

  • Working on performance improvements, specifically areas that were slower in v3.7
Global Product Committee UpdateWesley Brown (5 min)

Update on the last Global Product Committee meeting: Global - October 15 2019

Malawi Implementation UpdateMatthew Kumbuyo (Deactivated) (15 min)
  • Working to update to version 3.7, completing final UAT today and will decide go/no-go tomorrow. If everything goes smoothly the upgrade will start on Friday, Nov 8
  • Looking to push data from OLMIS to DHIS2, will be looking to optimize this process
  • Developing and testing Stock Management features, primarily after the Nov OLMIS meetings
    • Just working with a few test facilities to start
  • 96% Reporting Rate!
  • Enabling the new reporting stack and customizing for Malawi


  • Rebecca: What are the plans for DHIS2? Which specific indicators will be used? Who will you be working with on the ground, what other stakeholders?
    • Matt: Working with BMGF to implement this feature. Stakeholders: GoM, BMGF
    • Sebastian: Malawi has a great UI within OLMIS that handles this
      • Wes: This UI/Config should get moved into core
      • Ben: How complex is setting up the interop layer?
      • Simon: Error handling?
        • Sebastian: Primarily handled by the interop layer, this is where validation occurs
Ben Leibert (Unlicensed) (15 min)

SELV is a version of OLMIS (v1.5) running in Mozambique for a while now and are now working to upgrade to v3.x.

Open Questions:

  • Need to alert users that are sending products if there is not enough (or functioning) cold chain equipment for the products in question
    • May also need to add a 'Volume' (as in, space) of the product
  • Record when maintenance was last done and should be next done
    • Dercio: Would it be helpful to have actual maintenance history rather than just last done?
      • Good point!
  • View the historical status of a given piece of Cold Chain equipment
  • May also want to define and track other (non-CCE) pieces of equipment, what level of detail would we want to track for this?


  • Sebastian: The CCE service is not being used (much?) yet so we should be able to make these changes without worrying about existing implementations
  • Ben: This is likely work that we would start soon (within the next few weeks)
  • Kaixin: This CCE work was considered out of scope for this upgrade

Configuration improvement - copy roles of one user to another

  • In MW a new user is often assigned the same roles as an another, already existing user
  • Assigning new roles in OpenLMIS via UI is time-consuming and error-prone
  • Does the above also come up in other implementations?
  • Can the approach described in the ticket help?
Sebastian BrudziƄski (10min)
  • OLMIS-6662 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • Would this be useful?
    • Dercio: Yes, this would be very useful for Angola. Some administrative users need to have more than 90 roles set up. Perhaps would also be better (or easier) to use checkboxes instead of dropdowns
    • Simon: Extending this to the other configuration areas would also be very helpful
  • Should be able to be accomplished within a single sprint
    • This is actually more of a visualization and workflow issue

3.8 Feature Priorities

Wesley Brown (5 min)

Feature Backlog: Feature Backlog

Next PC meeting: Topic ideas??

Implementation/Partner Update, Feature Priorities

Additional Requests and Information:


Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed)Dércio DuvaneSebastian BrudziƄskiSimon Dean (Unlicensed)Matthew Kumbuyo (Deactivated)Wesley Brown, ThoughtWorks, others?



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