June 28th 2016
Attendance Information
8:15AM PST - Seattle
11:15AM EST - New York, DC
5:15PM CEST - CEST, Geneva, Copenhagen, Joburg
6:15PM EAT - Dar
Meeting Number: 192 173 465
Host Key: 352864
Audio Connection: +1-415-655-0001
Item | Time | Presenter |
Discussion of CHAI Android app v3 feature set | 15 minutes | |
GS1 Standards for OpenLMIS & USAID Logical Reference Model | 10 minutes | |
Approach for Program Data in OpenLMIS (XForms, logically separate JSON storage, etc.) | 10 minutes | |
Update: USAID SOW Request | 2 minutes | |
Gavi iNFUSE: Jake (OpenLMIS); Marasi & Chris (TZ, Ethiopia eLMIS) |
In attendance:
- Ashraf Islam - JSI
- Chris George - ThoughtWorks
- Danni Yu - ThoughtWorks
- Lakshmi Balachandran - CHAI
- Jake Watson - VillageReach
GS1 Discussion
Ministries of health visibility into the supply chain, what requests are coming. Donors want to see current stock levels. Some of the current areas addressed are:
- Barcodes
- Scanning
Action item: VillageReach to continue updating the group on OpenLMIS scope of support of GS1.
Program Data Discussion
Instances are being forked because of the need for additional program data collection.
Jake Watson (Deactivated)said we are starting on this on the next sprint. Outlined the approach we are planning to take, details. Asked others to raise questions, issues, and comments.
Ashraf Islam (Unlicensed)raised the issues related to validation rules, formulas, and any online calculations needed (validation cannot go beyond the current form or historical) which results custom coding. Most of these needs are within requsitions.
Danni Yu (Unlicensed) brought up the need for sub-programs. A program can have multiple forms with different sections.
- Advantages for this approach: Form authoring can be done outside of OpenLMIS. Options for validation and formulas and will produce HTML. Ability to collect offline and mobile.
- Challenges with this approach: If program data needs to reference/validate/report with OpenLMIS data (requisitions/equipment/etc), unclear how this would be achieved.
Action item: Update the stories to reflect the sub-programs use case. VR will continue moving forward with the approach but delaying the work.
Jake sent a response to Lindabeth (USAID), no response yet. Jake, restated this proposal is about getting to a SOW by doing a gap-analysis and regional meeting. This is not about upgrading countries, that wouldn’t happen until 2018(ish) and each country would need specific funding for that.
GAVI Discussion
GAVI is holding an INFUSE workshop to bring together the private sector and NGOs to help scale up. Theme is data and interoperability. VillageReach is attending on behalf of OpenLMIS.
Jake Watson (Deactivated)Who is attending from JSI?
Ashraf Islam (Unlicensed)Marasi and Chris Wright
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OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software