SoS 2016-06-27
SoS 2016-06-27
Discussion items
- What has your team done since we last met?
- What will your team do before we meet again?
- Is there anything slowing your team down or getting in their way?
- Are you about to put something in another team's way?
- Crucible feedback
- Should changes be incorporated into existing review, or start a new review? Let's use existing review, add note to indicate new commits.
- Reviews should be marked as Closed by owner when all reviewers finished.
- Read/review authentication doc
- Sonar auth...
- Expect new repo for RBAC. May need to transfer ownership to org.
- Update to dev image expected - all new devs will need to update their desktop image!
- IDL for API:
- Are we using this for successive work? Yes, still need to work out some of the IDL/SDR variances around HATEOS, etc.
- DockerCon:
- availability of new beta tool for service discovery within Docker
- USAID logical reference model:
- GS1 not yet incorporated into model.
- Next sprint...
- UI: need to start soon! VR will strategize this week.
- Program Data. Likely candidate for work.
- Soldevelo: add new team members first week of July, mid-sprint, bringing total to 10 dev/qa.
Action items
- Rich Magnuson (Deactivated) GitHub: Pawel needs rights to add team members to OpenLMIS org
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OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software