User | Level | Goals | System Role | Pain Points | Context, Characteristics, Comments, Quotes |
Title: Storeroom Manager/Clerk Also Known As (AKA): Store Incharge Requisition Role: Submit Requisitions Stock Mgmt Role: Manage Stock at their Storeroom

| Level 1 Service Delivery Point | - To manage my storeroom stock levels.
- I want to minimize stock outs.
- Ensure timely ordering/issuing of the right commodities in the right quantity.
- I want my facility to have the right stock at the right time. I want to ensure the right stock is being ordered.
- Receive verified quantity and quality of goods into store and determine need for remedial action when necessary.
| - Creates requisition
- View Requisition
- Manage POD to verify stock shipped quantities.
- Records stock movements: stock issues, receipts, adjustments
- Views and monitors stock on hand
- Receives and responds to low stock and stock out alerts
| - Stock out, over stocks
- Plays multiple roles
- Managing multiple programs' reporting needs
| - Has limited / poor internet connectivity
- Examples, could be pharmacy assistant or medical assistant, nurses for HIV, Health Surveillance supervisor (vaccines)
- Some training in logistics management
- Individual responsible for issuing stock to those who are dispensing
Title: Store Manager Also Known As (AKA): Health Facility Incharge/manager
Requisition Role: Authorize Requisitions Stock Mgmt Role: Oversees/Audits Stock Cards
(if there is an authorizer, he/she usually is at the same storeroom of the role who created the requisition. Sometimes the same person submits and authorizes.) 
| Level 1 | - Same as the storeroom managers.
| - Authorize by validating (edit/save) requisition details.
- View Requisition
- View Orders
- Manage POD to verify stock shipped quantities.
- Views and monitors stock on hand; receives low stock and stock out alters
- Audits physical stock count
| - Storeroom managers (usually sitting at Service Deliver Points (SDPs)) or are late in sending their report for authorization.
| - Oversees the storeroom manageran assistant or data entry personnel.
- Specialize in a group of commodities.
Title: N Program Supervisor Requisition Role: Approve Requisitions (N could be district/regional/central level. Approvers can also be program specific - Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI), Malaria, Family Plannin, etc) 
| Varies Central, Regional, District | - To have the right stock available for the needs of the service delivery point and own storeroom
- Review the requested quantities to ensure the appropriate amount of stock is being requested/ordered.
- Review Budgets
| - Logs in to approve/reject requisitions
- Reviews and monitors stock movements and stock on hand at service delivery points.
- Receives and responds to notifications for low stock/stock outs at lower level facilities.
| - Late reporting (requisitions submitted) from SDPs
- Late reporting (stock issues/adjustments/etc. on a monthly basis) from SDPs
- Stock out, over stock
| Tech aptitude: varies - Likely a medical professional (MD or Pharm.) with limited to no logistics knowledge
- Not a primary user of nor familiar with OpenLMIS
- Only uses OpenLMIS to approve/reject requisitions
Title: District Storeroom Manager - Level 2 Also Known As (AKA): District Medical Office (Pharmacist/DMO) Requisition Role: Approver and may Submit Requisitions Stock mgmt: 
| Level 2 Intermediate store (can be multiple, Regional, District, etc) | - Visibility (into stock levels, orders) into my own facility and those I'm responsible for supplying
- Ensure timely ordering/issuing of the right commodities in the right quantity.
- I want my facilities to have the right stock at the right time. I want to ensure the right stock is being ordered. I want to minimize stock outs or overstocks
- Receive verified quantity and quality of goods into store and determine need for remedial action when necessary.
- Uphold FEFO
- Manage the budget of my facility
| - Creates and edits requisitions.
- Records stock adjustments.
- Receives stock issued by warehouses.
- May do local fulfillment (to facilities and users within OpenLMIS)
- May do fulfillment (fulfill many requisitions with one delivery)
- Records stock movements: stock issues, receipts, adjustments
- Views and monitors stock on hand at their own store and lower stores
- Receives notifications for low stock/stock outs at lower level facilities.
- Inter-facility transfers to address low stock/stock-outs
| - Not enough time
- Stock out, over stocks
- Plays multiple roles
- Time spent on reporting/data entry
- Managing multiple programs' reporting needs
| - Has internet connectivity
- Med. - low technical skills
- Most likely will be responsible for fulfilling
- Example, individual is located at a district hospital level
- Issues stock to different wards, facilities, etc.
- Respond to emergency orders/requests from lower-level facilities, wards, dispensaries...etc.
- Would want to see stock levels of lower facilities
- Would like an easy to use and intuitive system
Title: Data Specialist or Warehouse Clerk Also Known As (AKA): Sales Officer/Logistics officer Requisition/Orders Role: Convert to Order 
| Level 3 National, Central, Regional | - Manages the orders for the warehouse.
- Works primarily in the national ERP.
- Maintain chain of custody and appropriate environmental conditions for stock and inventory.
| - Converts approved requisitions to orders
- Views Orders
| - Responsible for a lot of paperwork
- Lack of time
- Doesn't want to log into another system
| - Well educated
- Sits at the central/national warehouse
Central Logistics Personnel Requisition Role: Approver Stock Management Role: Decision Maker | Central | - Approve or reject R&Rs for all districts that report to her
- Reach 100% reporting rate
- Increase data quality of reporting districts (to decrease her workload)
- Create monthly / quarterly reports for higher-ups
- Long term supply and program planning based on stock and requisitions data
| - View reports
- Approve requisitions
- View requisitions
- Initiates stock recalls
- Views and monitors stock on hand and low stock/stock outs at all levels
| Tech aptitude: ?? |
Role: Funder |
| - Verify compliance / impact of programs & projects via indicators measured in OpenLMIS
- Confidence in the supply chain through transparency
| - Receives reports and aggregate data (need to understand this better)
| - Limited time
- Very high-level, aggregated data
System Users |
| - Exchange data
- well documented APIs
- Clearly defined standards for sending/receiving data
| - clear error handling protocols
- timely support and response times
Role: Administrator Name: Ray Charles |
| - Assist users in their use of the system
- Makes sure the system is up and running
- Maintains the system (backups, performance, data)
| - Responsible for ongoing administration of the system.
- Add users, products, facilities, etc. as the system evolves
| - intuitive navigation
- robust configuration
- Global permissions
| - Basic technical skill set (create csv file imports)
- Must have all data needed for configuration of the system
- Has internet connectivity
- Most likely a national of the host country with a local degree in information systems
Role: Implementor 
| - To set up OpenLMIS to the country's specifications.
- Ensure all the appropriate configurations are made so that OpenLMIS users can appropriately manage stock levels.
| Configures the system. Uploads the facilities, programs, periods, schedules. |
| - Basic technical skill set (create csv file imports)
- Must have all data needed for configuration of the system
- Has internet connectivity
- Needs more research!