Jan 14, 2020
Monthly OpenLMIS Governance Committee Call. This meeting includes members of the governance committee, as well as anyone else interested in participating.
- 7:00 - 8:00 AM PST - Seattle
- 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM EST - New York, DC
- 3:00 PM CET - Geneva, Copenhagen (4PM during daylight saving time of the year)
- 5:00 PM EAT - Dar (6PM during daylight saving time of the year)
Call Details
Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/377281719
One tap mobile +16699006833,,377281719# US (San Jose) or +19294362866,,377281719# US
Dial by your location: +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) or +1 929 436 2866 US
Meeting ID: 377 281 719
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/byw2qkHOU
Action items for next call
Action Items from January Governance |
- (carried over from Dec) Area we need to keep talking about: how do we keep growing our sales channels?
- (carried over from Dec) We need to articulate language around getting existing implementations to pay into the core: Carl suggests having 'support contracts' built into our proposals; any unused of that retainer rolls into core software support. This could be palatable for countries because they are getting something out of it. Ashraf suggests we automatically entitled to future upgrades without paying anything extra
Topic | Who | Notes | Chat Captures |
Introductions and Call opening (5 min)
| Carl Leitner | Welcome Review agenda and objectives for this call | |
Opportunity Check-In | Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed) | Swaziland eLMIS- RFP Approved_RFP_eLMIS CMS_eSwatini_2020.pdf want to keep their current Central WMIS and integrate it with the new eLMIS solution tentative interest from SolDevelo–others?? Uzbekistan vLMIS- https://www.ungm.org/Public/Notice/100565 tentative interest expressed by SolDevelo, VillageReach–any others? (Due Jan 25) Have dropped the requirement for a local presence Now that the RFP has been re-issed without this local presence requirement, I believe our community is in a much better position to respond to this RFP. We designed our vaccine functionality based on UNICEF hosting us in Copenhagen in 2017 and UNICEF is the top organization for vaccine supply chains globally, so this is a great opportunity for us. | |
Sustainability Webinar- late Jan | Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed) | Recap of planned webinar as part of the Global Goods webinar series; will feature OpenLMIS stewards, Resonance, and possibly Heath from DIAL OSC | |
New Working Group Created for partner selection/vetting | Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed) | Working Group approved! Thank you for your votes (8 'yes' votes, 1 org did not vote) We will create a small, focused Working Group to lead the charge at assessing new partners and negotiating terms. Membership of working group based on interest. So far we have heard interest from: VillageReach, SolDevelo, BMGF, JSI, CHAI, PSM, USAID *other partners who are interested in participating please let me know this month so we can confirm membership Estimated LOE- 8 hours (5%) | |
Working Group TOR | Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed) and Carl Leitner | Exploratory Phase Based on agreement at the OpenLMIS Community Meeting in November 2019, these are the areas for exploration:
For discussion: Draft TOR of the Working Group - The WG will provide an update to the GC at each GC meeting. -The WG will: decide how widely and openly to search for new partners, determine how partners are scored/evaluated, participate in calls with them, work on a proposed choice of the handover partner and will eventually bring that proposed choice to the GC for a vote. -Brian T (OpenLMIS Director) has agreed to Chair the Working Group; so there is a steward guiding the way and moving activities forward -How long should this process take? (aim for 4 months; aim for this. early deliverable is a set of decison-points/ milestones for the 4 months) Decision-making power: clarify if the working group itself will make the final decision or bring to governance for final vote? Timelines- coordinate number 1 and 2; so the data conversation can inform the Working Group | - |
Admin/upcoming travel | Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed) | Thinking ahead: it might be wise to plan for an in person meeting with whatever partner we choose; to start fostering new working relationships. Just planting the idea so folks can start thinking about it now; reserving funding as needed | |
GS1 | Carl Leitner | Call with folks from GS1 re: Joint Initiative Council; coordination mechanism; one of our challenges is moving SCM data into the health system context using HL7 FHIR | |
AOB? | |||
Conferences and Meetings Conferences provide the community the opportunity for OpenLMIS members to speak or represent the OpenLMIS software and community in public forum. | All | Upcoming Conferences for 2020 (let's add them here!) There is interest in a Digital Square maintained Calendar of Events. So we might link with that calendar in the future
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Opportunities documentation Definitions to use shared terminology:
| Country implementation opportunities:
Community Opportunities:
Study Tours:
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AOB | |||
Community and Product Updates | |||
Product Updates | |||
Community Updates |
Meeting Recording:
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OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software