2020 March, 11 Tech Committee Meeting notes

2020 March, 11 Tech Committee Meeting notes



8am PST / 4pm CEST



Discussion items

5mAgenda and action item reviewSebastian Brudziński
10mDoes any code required by the reporting stack still live outside of the OpenLMIS org? Sebastian Brudziński

E.g. https://github.com/onaio/superset-patchup

  • Do we have any tickets to move it to OpenLMIS org?
10mCurrent status of the translations and how the build process for this worksWesley Brown
15mInvalid token issuesKlaudia Pałkowska (Deactivated)


Does any code required by the reporting stack still live outside of the OpenLMIS org? 

  • We have superset-patchup repository but we are not using it currently: https://github.com/openlmis/superset-patchup
  • The ref-distro is set up to use the superset-patchup from the ONA repository instead of our own
  • Paulina Buzderewicz contacted Daniel Serkowski (Unlicensed) who worked on the Angola implementation to ask why we moved back from our own repository to ONA's repository
  • One idea is to fork the current ONA's repository containing the most recent changes and move it to our's
  • superset-patchup is likely the only outstanding repo that we don't own for reporting stack
  • Chongsun is planning to fix the problem with auth to superset as soon as this is moved

Current status of the translations and how the build process for this works

  • The recent demo was held in French and we discovered that some parts were not translated (e.g. system messages)
  • The English messages are pushed to Transifex with each build
  • The translated messages are included in the docker images that are built
  • Do we have that in our Wiki?

Invalid token issues

  • We have started seeing some invalid token issues both in core and Malawi and we don't know where they are coming from
  • Looked into this issue a little bit in performance tests: the invalid token shows up there for a few of the requests, but the token is actually valid
  • Did we try increasing the logging level for the Spring OAuth?
    • Yes, but we didn't notice anything
    • Could we try increasing the logging level for Spring OAuth in Malawi?
  • Are they client-level tokens or service-level tokens?
    • We think it's a service-level token issue
  • Most likely not related to token expiration

Action Items

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