223: Review and approve submitted requisitions
Test Case #:223 | Test Case Name: Review and approve submitted requisitions |
System: OpenLMIS | Subsystem: requisition |
Test case designed by: Paulina Borowa | Design Date:11.08.2016 |
Short description: Supervisor can access/view the submitted requisitions based on the supervisory hierarchy (which facilities the user is assigned to review/approve) -all requisition details are visable -the supervisor can see comments from the requisitioner (and authorizer when appropriate) -the supervisor can make changes to the "Approved Quantity" attribute -the supervisor can input text (string 250 characters) in the "Remarks" attribute -the supervisor can insert comments on the approved requistion -the supervisor can see comments made by the requisitioner and/or authorizer receive. Allows supervisor (or appropriate personnel) to review and approve submitted requisitions |
Pre – conditions: |
Step | Action | Expected system response | Comment |
1 | Create geographicLevels In URL: http://localhost:8080/api/geographicLevels/?access_token=f77791e5-5cb7-4787-92f9-b55b6d971791 Method: Post: Example Body: { "code": "levelcode", "name": "levelname", "levelNumber": "32" } | Status 201 created id: a8db3899-896f-4e40-b912-f38a6af5b3ce | |
2 | Create geographicZone In URL: http://localhost:8080/api/geographicZones/?access_token=f77791e5-5cb7-4787-92f9-b55b6d971791 Method: Post: Example Body: { "code": "geocode", "name": "geoname", "level": { "id": "a8db3899-896f-4e40-b912-f38a6af5b3ce", "code": "levelcode", "name": "levelname", "levelNumber": "32" } } | Status 201 Created , id: 3141d995-1f69-4400-be30-64ed564a0253 | |
3 | Create facilityType In URL: http://localhost:8080/api/facilityTypes/?access_token=b30d1dcf-9d04-4b10-a3a0-5f29b96b8a22 Method: Post Example Body: { "code": "typecode", "name": "typename" } | Status 201 Created , id: d734497f-7e46-4915-9f05-83c0432fc158 | |
4 | Create facility In URL: http://localhost:8080/api/facilities/?access_token=b30d1dcf-9d04-4b10-a3a0-5f29b96b8a22 Method Post Example body: { "code": "facilitycode", "name": "facilityname", "geographicZone": { "id": "3141d995-1f69-4400-be30-64ed564a0253", "code": "geocode", "name": "geoname", "level": { "id": "a8db3899-896f-4e40-b912-f38a6af5b3ce", "code": "levelcode", "name": "levelname", "levelNumber": "32" } }, "type": { "id": "d734497f-7e46-4915-9f05-83c0432fc158", "code": "typecode", "name": "typename" }, "active": true, "enabled": true } | Status 201 Created, id: fb9ce60f-6557-4651-b9b9-efefccf76251 | |
5 | Create program: In URL: http://localhost:8080/api/programs/?access_token=dd27b91f-91ae-4d9e-9f61-caf3abe870f7 Method: Post Example Body: { "code": "programcode", "name": "programname", "periodsSkippable": true } | Status 201 Created, id: bebd5da3-b905-45b7-a474-85c3ba655f9d | |
6 | Create schedule In URL: http://localhost:8080/api/processingSchedules/?access_token=f77791e5-5cb7-4787-92f9-b55b6d971791 Method: Post Example Body: { "code": "schedulecode", "name": "schedulename" } | Status 201 Created, id: 79650728-fb5e-4413-ba1e-c58e042415f9 | |
7 | Create periods In URL: http://localhost:8080/api/processingPeriods/?access_token=075fd2f4-0e58-4118-b673-3c29359c1a28 Method: Post Example Body: { "processingSchedule": { "id":"865f24e7-9496-4dc3-86d4-f00554da539b", "code": "schedulecode", "name": "schedulename" }, "name": "periodname", "description": "abc", "startDate": "2016-09-05", "endDate": "2016-09-15" } | Status 201 Created, "id": f9378770-e1f9-4dbc-85b2-482ce55cb776 | |
8 | Create RequisitionLine URL: http://localhost:8080/api/requisitionLines/?access_token=a5c523c7-914e-4d12-8a55-78db5f2f57b6 Method: POST Body: { "id": "fc93a929-d62e-4fff-9f8f-4ad9df0a4e60", "product": { "id": "1752b457-0a4b-4de0-bf94-5a6a8002427e", "code": "productCode", "primaryName": "productName", "dispensingUnit": "1", "dosesPerDispensingUnit": 1, "packSize": 1, "packRoundingThreshold": 1, "roundToZero": true, "active": true, "fullSupply": true, "tracer": true, "productCategory": { "id": "3c840e6c-a2e6-482f-b794-90379fcbfe00", "code": "categorycode", "name": "categoryname", "displayOrder": 32 } }, "requisition": null, "stockInHand": 2, "beginningBalance": 2, "totalReceivedQuantity": 2, "totalLossesAndAdjustments": 2, "stockOnHand": 2, "requestedQuantity": 2, "totalConsumedQuantity": 2, "requestedQuantityExplanation": "abc", "remarks": "sometest", "approvedQuantity": 2 } | id: 1275b316-68c6-48c8-a343-b82b854eaa25 |