841: Add Server Service Discovery
Test Case #: 841
Test Case Name: Add Server Service Discovery | |
System: openLMIS | Subsystem: requisition, example, blue |
Test case designed by: Lucyna Kwidzińska | Design Date:16.08.2016 |
Short description:
Pre – conditions: |
Step | Action | Expected system response | Comment |
1 | Run requisition service:
Type the commands in cmd: 1) sudo docker-compose run --service-ports requisition 2) gradle clean build 3) gradle bootRun
| Requisition service is running. | |
2 | Verify if the consul is accessible under port 8500. | The consul is accessible.
| Every port should be already registered and listed. |
3 | Run example service:
Type the commands in cmd: 1) sudo docker-compose run --service-ports requisition 2) gradle clean build 3) gradle bootRun | Example service is running. |
4 | Verify if the consul is accessible under port 8500. | The consul is accessible. | Every port should be already registered and listed. |
5 | Clone the OpenLMIS-Blue, branch poc-service-discovery | ||
6 | Run docker-compose: docker-compose -f docker-compose.discovery.yml up |
7 | Verify if the access to requisition service under localhost/requisition is possible. |
| |
8 | Verify if the access to example service under localhost/example is possible. |
Post – conditions: |
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