893: Publish ERD as a build artifact

893: Publish ERD as a build artifact

Test Case #: 893


Test Case Name: Publish ERD as a build artifact

System: openLMIS

Subsystem: auth, requisition

Test case designed by: Lucyna Kwidzińska

Design Date:17.08.2016

Short description: Publish the ERD as a Jenkins build artifact. Each service is generating an ERD for its schema and publishing it to the build server's www directory. We often have to provide the ERD as a zip file for sharing, posting on sites, or archiving for milestone builds (e.g. ERD for v3, v4, v5, etc.). Zipping up the ERD files and publishing as a build artifact will satisfy these needs.


Pre – conditions:






Expected system response



  Download the .zip file with ERDs from


File should be successfully downloaded.                                                                       



  Download the .zip file with ERDs from



    File should be successfully downloaded.   




Unpack the downloaded .zip file with full schemas for auth (the link for downloading is located in point 1).






Unpack the .zip file with full schemas for requisition (the link for downloading is located in point 2). 




Compare the index.html file from auth with the schemas located in http://ci.openlmis.org/erd-auth/

There are no differences between those schemas. All looks the same.



 Compare the index.html file from requisition with the schemas located in http://ci.openlmis.org/erd-requisition/

There are no differences between those schemas. All looks the same. 





Post – conditions:

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