September 20, 2016

September 20, 2016

7AM PST - Seattle

10AM EST - New York, DC

5PM CEST - CEST, Geneva, Copenhagen

6PM EAT - Dar

Monthly OpenLMIS Governance Committee Call. This meeting includes members of the governance committee, as well as anyone else interested in participating. 

Call Details:
Meeting Number: 191 143 516
US Audio: WebEx Online or +1-415-655-0001
International Audio: WebEx Online



Product Update10Jake Watson (Deactivated)

High-level product plan is here: https://app.productplan.com/p/TNWeSngWRsCmQmPKKgU1dQYPx9TuLvIX

Also, we want to relax the license.

ESMS Mozambique update10Lakshmi Balachandran?

Lakshmi Balachandran

Android facility-level application of OpenLMIS completed late last year, deployed in 9 facilities, at this point is in 25 facilities and on course to be scaled out to 100 facilities by the end of the year

HIV, Maternal, Nutrition, Malaria, integrated but not all commodities. (Vaccines are not involved.) Update per the latest decision from CMAM?

OpenLMIS Coordination30Jake Watson (Deactivated)

There are many potential OpenLMIS work streams and projects on the horizon for 2017:

  • Guinea, Malawi, Cote d'Ivoire (expansion) implementations
  • 3.1 and 3.2
  • Vaccines Module (3.3)
  • CRDM refresh/eLMIS retrospective, etc.
  • ESMS expansion and OpenLMIS planning (MZ)

How can we best achieve economies of scale from these activities?

OpenLMIS Biz Dev/Spinoff Planning

10Jake Watson (Deactivated)


OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software