2016-10-11 Meeting notes

2016-10-11 Meeting notes


4-5pm PDT



IP audio, or Dial-in:  1-716-293-9263, meeting PIN:  60307


rest-api endpoints in v2 (for zambia & elmis fac edition) - implemented a field for which application is accessing the api.  === With our services we may want some analytics on who (application/user/...) is using each endpoint.

Elias points out that in 2.0 a feature was added called "hide skipped products" that was a configuration option on the Requisition Template.  When checked, when a Requisition was first initiated (as in first time ever for that facility), the user would manually select which products they wanted on their Requisition from the list of full-supply products.  Going forward, the user would only see the Product's they initially selected ( Elias Muluneh could they ever add/sub after the initial selection?) and not the full list of full supply approved products, this made it cleaner and simpler to order what they typically ordered.  The rationale for this was that some facilities (health posts in TZ) never had used the paper R&R forms and so the screen had no need to match it exactly.  The facilities also had a much smaller list of product's that they typically ordered and that list wasn't common enough amoung all these facilities to create custom Facility Approved Product lists for each one.


  • Discuss Beta release.  Beta is the end of October '16, this is the second to last call before that release
  • Community updates

Discussion items

Beta Release
  • End of Oct
  • Scope is architecture realized and Requisition
  • Tagging process (github, dockerhub, blue)
  • reference distribution in blue to run application
  • Test environment (latest code):  test.openlmis.org
  • UAT environment (Beta / latest release): uat.openlmis.org

Action items


OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software