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381: Configure Stock Adjustment Reason by Program
388: Define the display order of columns to appear in the requisition
401: Configure Order Number for Export
415: Create a Facility
420: Basic Rights and Roles API
422: Create and edit a schedule
423: Users
424: Supervisory nodes
425: Geographic zones
427: Supervisory groups
428:Supply Lines
429: Facility approved products
496: Logout
545: Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) for Admin/Requisitions/Fulfillment
546: Web Security
586: Restrict access to only authenticated users via password
587: Password reset
588: Forgot Password
589: Session expiration
591: RESTful web service testing setup
637: Print Proof of Deliver (POD)
641: Ability to View Past Filled Orders
642: Authorize a requisition
659: Order creation API
667: Add Spring Security to Service Example
700: Identify facilities that do not have access to OpenLMIS
732: Sonar: projects for current v3 repositories
735: Connect Postgres logs to rsyslog container
741: Create a simple requisition with additional stock information
753: Add PMD ruleset and integrate PMD with the build
759:ERD generation
760: Create a basic requisition
761: Reverse proxy server deployment (nginx)
770: Save a requisition
773: Skip the authorization step
774: Configure 'skip a period' feature
786: Display/Hide columns attributes on the requisition form
793: Create Living Styleguide for Reference UI (aka Component-based Development)
805: Ability to download a CSV file of the order
806: Improve IDL Related Functionality
810: Configure product code attribute
811: Require display of the product attribute
812:Configure Beginning Balance attribute
813: Configure Total Received Quantity attribute
817: Rename column headers/attributes
822: Upgrade Jenkins to version 2
841: Add Server Service Discovery
844: Fix integration tests
845: Change value of cascade parameter in ManyToOne annotations
846: Generate static (offline) documentation for services' APIs
847: Demo data
848: Sonar: integration tests not included in coverage
853: Build information in every service/distribution
861: PoD customer configuration
862: Revise relation annotations between models
867: Assign roles to a user record for requisitions
871: Create a notification service
872: Fix search endpoints to use query parameters
874: Requisition Group
876: Add Swagger for openlmis-auth
883: Permission Check Tool
884: Manage the user profile
893: Publish ERD as a build artifact
906: Password email notification
922: Create Requisition-UI Repository and Build Process
925: User authenticates using Auth Service (OAuth) in Requisition-UI
965: Configure order file template
988: View list of approved requisitions ready for order conversion
991: Requisition status checks missing
1006: PoD improvements: add ability to download, refactor behavior, add messages
1010: Fix endpoint responses for bi-directional relationships
1040: User's authentication is checked on page load
1043: Approve requisition list
1047: Refactor configuration of order file template
1060: Approve/Reject a requisition
1075: Show approval columns on product grid
1127: Product grid is editable
1140: Create regular requisition for period from Initialize Requisition screen
1146: Fix broken requisition deletion
1149: Application border
1150: Title heading standarization
1163: Button consistency
1173: Fix home page layout
1213: Reject requisition endpoint should only work on authorized requsitions
1223: API initiate requisition beginning balance calculation
1230: Fix product code handling in the UI
OLMIS-214 : Define Non-Full Supply (/Additional drugs and Medical Supplies) attributes.
OLMIS-230 Edit Program code and name.
OLMIS-386 : Create a requisition template for a program.
OLMIS-387 : Create a Program.
OLMIS-605 : View Approved Orders.
OLMIS-755 : Define periods within a schedule.
OLMIS-799 : Requisitions and Orders should be in their own Java packages.
OLMIS-807 : Submit requisition only if quantity entered.
OLMIS-856 : There should be not possibility to create few users with the same username.
1126: Submit a requisition