Implementers - June 2 2020

Implementers - June 2 2020

Call Information

  • 00:00 PDT - Seattle
  • 03:00 EDT - New York, DC
  • 10:00 CAT - Zambia/Malawi (UTC+2)
  • 11:00 EAT - Tanzania/Kenya (UTC+3)

Last Meeting NotesImplementers - May 5 2020



Lead (Time)

Notes and Updates

Software Development Update

RoadmapLiving Product Roadmap 

Current sprintCOV Sprint 4

Upcoming sprintCOV Sprint 5

Version 3.10: 

Team statshttps://openlmis.atlassian.net/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=12504


Development Update:

Note that current work is being done primarily in the COVID Jira project

This work is being done in a separate project in Jira, that is why our current Sprint does not have much going on in it. This will be finished tomorrow

COVID work should taper off soon in the coming weeks

The release pages show what is going on for 3.10

People should be able to self-register for Jira account to see these pages

COVID work is focused on many of the deployment features, including the reporting stack, because each new implementation that wants to deploy the system has to have a new instance. So this is a good opportunity for us to improve this low hanging fruit that we have been meaning to

Global Product Committee Update

Meeting Notes: Global - April 21 2020


  • SIGLUS Demo
    • starting point for creating an OpenLMIS mobile application
    • What is our plan for mobile application?
  • Impact of COVID work on the v3.10 release
COVID-19 Project (CHAI and VillageReach) Progress
  • OpenLMIS COVID-19 Edition this wiki page is being updated; and will soon contain implementation guidance
  • working on PCMT integration for this tool
  • Zimbabwe and Cameroon are first countries
  • This YouTube video has description and demo of the tool:

1 pager on the OpenLMIS/COVID-19 Tool: 

Feel free to read and share the above 1 -pager to see if your country might be interested in adopting this tool 

The tool has a county-level focus; does not currently tie to global supply systems but might in the future

Trying to figure out a way to quickly update an OpenLMIS instance

DHIS2 IntegrationWesley Brown

DHIS2 has contacted us to strengthen collaboration:

Currently OpenLMIS can push data to DHIS2

What type of integration is required?

  • Alfred: In TZ # of expecting mothers, expected vaccinations and bed nets. DHIS2 provides number of ANC visits and number of children for first vaccination of measles; then need to cross-reference/compare those visits; helps predict number of bednets. 
    • clinicians and commodity mangers need to work together to learn how to make those comparisons side by side. Bednets are a 1-1 comparison but usually that is not the case
    • eLMIS to DHIS2 is the integration current in TZ
    • in Moz: SIGLUS and SELV integration do not have integration. There is a project with the MoH for data exchange between LMIS and HMIS ; the system is based on DHIS2 but the LMIS is not based on OpenLMIS. But after the 'central tools' is integrated with OpenLMIS then it will be integrated
    • will be sending requisitions and reporting from LMIS; and the master data will come from their central tools to OpenLMIS
    • Angola has expressed interest in DHIS2 integration; they are focusing on summary data that needs to go to malaria program. They need info on commodities used at facility and commodities delivered. This would match data we have in OpenLMIS
      • malaria products should be delivered based on consumption; want to triangulate data with cases
      • malaria wants to combine number of patients with number of commodities distributed to inform distribution of commodities

Is our current integration sufficient?

What data needs to flow between the two systems?

3.10 Feature Priorities

Wesley Brown (15 min)

Feature Backlog: Feature Backlog

Planned Work:

  • Offline Stock Management - OLMIS-1621
  • Stock Management Performance - OLMIS-3814
  • Also expect to incorporate feedback from vaccine module

Possible delay of release until the 3rd quarter of 2020 (sept); would be a break from our normal release schedule. This will allow the team to focus on the COVID tool and deployments for the immediate future

Unless there is any concerns about this timeline we will move forward with this revised timeline (no responses)

Implementation Response to COVID-19Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed)

What is happening on the ground?

  • Malawi - Need to track COVID-related commodities at 4 hospitals. Looking to set up a separate program with very frequent reporting (every 1-2 days)
  • COVID - Specific configuration can be brought into v3 countries that already have OpenLMIS running
  • Mozambique - Added COVID-related products to central tool (Master Data system) and this data has come down to OpenLMIS
  • Tanzania - Using existing eLMIS system to track COVID-related commodities. MOH prioritized roughly 15 products to track more closely. Added some visualizations for this data. Following national emergency supply chain guidelines which were updated in early March. Training tools will be published on the MoH sites
    • Trying to package this in a way that the country can benefit beyond COVID
    • A pre-requisite for this work was to have the guidelines in place, so that development partners are aligned on priorities and steps; build on that existing platform
    • They involved multiple teams and people to put something like this together

What support can the OpenLMIS Steward team provide?

Next PC meeting: Topic ideas??

Implementation/Partner Update

SIGLUS Feature Discussions

Additional Requests and Information:




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