| Action | Expected system response | Comment |
1 | Go on: host/public/#/login. | | |
2 | Select Requisition > Create/Authorize select program for example Essential Meds and click on Proceed button | |
3 | Check if Total shows correct number (Beginning Balance + Total Received Quantity | |
4 | Check API for configuring Total (Y) In URL Method: PUT Body: { "id": "c23daa21-a977-484f-8024-02c8032b3640", "createdDate": [ 2016, 11, 7, 12, 18, 6, 773000000 ], "requisitionLineItems": [ { "id": "ae139ec3-2420-4509-93ab-a60c8ba40277", "orderableProduct": { "id": "2400e410-b8dd-4954-b1c0-80d8a8e785fc", "productCode": "C1", "name": "Acetylsalicylic Acid", "programs": [ { "programId": "10845cb9-d365-4aaa-badd-b4fa39c6a26a", "productId": "2400e410-b8dd-4954-b1c0-80d8a8e785fc", "productCategoryId": "6805dd74-ec00-4697-9a5d-5b78414fcaf6", "productCategoryDisplayName": "Antibiotics", "productCategoryDisplayOrder": 1, "active": true, "fullSupply": true, "displayOrder": 1, "maxMonthsOfStock": 1000, "dosesPerMonth": 10, "value": null } ] }, "beginningBalance": 14, "totalReceivedQuantity": -18, "totalLossesAndAdjustments": 0, "stockOnHand": null, "requestedQuantity": null, "totalConsumedQuantity": 0, "requestedQuantityExplanation": null, "remarks": null, "approvedQuantity": null, "totalStockoutDays": null, "total": null, "stockAdjustments": [] }, { "id": "e283e709-e456-425c-ac53-610f8c8cbcb3", "orderableProduct": { "id": "c9e65f02-f84f-4ba2-85f7-e2cb6f0989af", "productCode": "C4", "name": "Streptococcus Pneumoniae Vaccine II", "programs": [ { "programId": "10845cb9-d365-4aaa-badd-b4fa39c6a26a", "productId": "c9e65f02-f84f-4ba2-85f7-e2cb6f0989af", "productCategoryId": "16173fd0-f439-4222-931e-91c413a495c3", "productCategoryDisplayName": "Vaccines", "productCategoryDisplayOrder": 5, "active": true, "fullSupply": true, "displayOrder": 4, "maxMonthsOfStock": 30, "dosesPerMonth": 1, "value": null } ] }, "beginningBalance": 12, "totalReceivedQuantity": 0, "totalLossesAndAdjustments": 0, "stockOnHand": null, "requestedQuantity": null, "totalConsumedQuantity": 12, "requestedQuantityExplanation": null, "remarks": null, "approvedQuantity": null, "totalStockoutDays": null, "total": null, "stockAdjustments": [] } ], "comments": [], "facility": { "id": "e6799d64-d10d-4011-b8c2-0e4d4a3f65ce", "code": "HC01", "name": "Comfort Health Clinic", "description": null, "active": true, "goLiveDate": null, "goDownDate": null, "comment": null, "enabled": true, "openLmisAccessible": true, "supportedPrograms": [ { "id": "dce17f2e-af3e-40ad-8e00-3496adef44c3", "code": "PRG001", "name": "Family Planing", "description": null, "active": true, "periodsSkippable": true, "showNonFullSupplyTab": null }, { "id": "10845cb9-d365-4aaa-badd-b4fa39c6a26a", "code": "PRG002", "name": "Essential Meds", "description": null, "active": true, "periodsSkippable": false, "showNonFullSupplyTab": null } ], "geographicZone": { "id": "bf2b810b-cdbf-48b2-b569-149b3cf42387", "code": "M-So-Bal-Bal", "name": "Balaka", "level": { "id": "90e35999-a64f-4312-ba8f-bc13a1311c75", "code": "City", "name": null, "levelNumber": 4 }, "parent": null }, "operator": { "id": "9456c3e9-c4a6-4a28-9e08-47ceb16a4121", "code": "moh", "name": "Ministry of Health" }, "type": { "id": "ac1d268b-ce10-455f-bf87-9c667da8f060", "code": "HC", "name": "Health Center", "description": null, "displayOrder": 1, "active": true } }, "program": { "id": "10845cb9-d365-4aaa-badd-b4fa39c6a26a", "code": "PRG002", "name": "Essential Meds", "description": null, "active": true, "periodsSkippable": false, "showNonFullSupplyTab": null }, "processingPeriod": { "id": "c5012ddf-b145-4eee-9640-b2cbf4f2da85", "processingSchedule": { "id": "057921bd-1841-4748-8523-dbe5ebb58368", "code": "SCH002", "description": null, "modifiedDate": null, "name": "Quarterly" }, "name": "Q2", "description": null, "startDate": [ 2016, 4, 1 ], "endDate": [ 2016, 6, 30 ] }, "status": "INITIATED", "emergency": false, "supplyingFacility": null, "supervisoryNode": null }
| Status 200 OK
5 | Change value of begining balance and total recived quantity once again and chcecck value of total: In URL Method: PUT Body { "id": "c23daa21-a977-484f-8024-02c8032b3640", "createdDate": [ 2016, 11, 7, 12, 18, 6, 773000000 ], "requisitionLineItems": [ { "id": "ae139ec3-2420-4509-93ab-a60c8ba40277", "orderableProduct": { "id": "2400e410-b8dd-4954-b1c0-80d8a8e785fc", "productCode": "C1", "name": "Acetylsalicylic Acid", "programs": [ { "programId": "10845cb9-d365-4aaa-badd-b4fa39c6a26a", "productId": "2400e410-b8dd-4954-b1c0-80d8a8e785fc", "productCategoryId": "6805dd74-ec00-4697-9a5d-5b78414fcaf6", "productCategoryDisplayName": "Antibiotics", "productCategoryDisplayOrder": 1, "active": true, "fullSupply": true, "displayOrder": 1, "maxMonthsOfStock": 1000, "dosesPerMonth": 10, "value": null } ] }, "beginningBalance": 100, "totalReceivedQuantity": 123, "totalLossesAndAdjustments": 0, "stockOnHand": null, "requestedQuantity": null, "totalConsumedQuantity": 0, "requestedQuantityExplanation": null, "remarks": null, "approvedQuantity": null, "totalStockoutDays": null, "total": null, "stockAdjustments": [] }, { "id": "e283e709-e456-425c-ac53-610f8c8cbcb3", "orderableProduct": { "id": "c9e65f02-f84f-4ba2-85f7-e2cb6f0989af", "productCode": "C4", "name": "Streptococcus Pneumoniae Vaccine II", "programs": [ { "programId": "10845cb9-d365-4aaa-badd-b4fa39c6a26a", "productId": "c9e65f02-f84f-4ba2-85f7-e2cb6f0989af", "productCategoryId": "16173fd0-f439-4222-931e-91c413a495c3", "productCategoryDisplayName": "Vaccines", "productCategoryDisplayOrder": 5, "active": true, "fullSupply": true, "displayOrder": 4, "maxMonthsOfStock": 30, "dosesPerMonth": 1, "value": null } ] }, "beginningBalance": 12, "totalReceivedQuantity": 0, "totalLossesAndAdjustments": 0, "stockOnHand": null, "requestedQuantity": null, "totalConsumedQuantity": 12, "requestedQuantityExplanation": null, "remarks": null, "approvedQuantity": null, "totalStockoutDays": null, "total": null, "stockAdjustments": [] } ], "comments": [], "facility": { "id": "e6799d64-d10d-4011-b8c2-0e4d4a3f65ce", "code": "HC01", "name": "Comfort Health Clinic", "description": null, "active": true, "goLiveDate": null, "goDownDate": null, "comment": null, "enabled": true, "openLmisAccessible": true, "supportedPrograms": [ { "id": "dce17f2e-af3e-40ad-8e00-3496adef44c3", "code": "PRG001", "name": "Family Planing", "description": null, "active": true, "periodsSkippable": true, "showNonFullSupplyTab": null }, { "id": "10845cb9-d365-4aaa-badd-b4fa39c6a26a", "code": "PRG002", "name": "Essential Meds", "description": null, "active": true, "periodsSkippable": false, "showNonFullSupplyTab": null } ], "geographicZone": { "id": "bf2b810b-cdbf-48b2-b569-149b3cf42387", "code": "M-So-Bal-Bal", "name": "Balaka", "level": { "id": "90e35999-a64f-4312-ba8f-bc13a1311c75", "code": "City", "name": null, "levelNumber": 4 }, "parent": null }, "operator": { "id": "9456c3e9-c4a6-4a28-9e08-47ceb16a4121", "code": "moh", "name": "Ministry of Health" }, "type": { "id": "ac1d268b-ce10-455f-bf87-9c667da8f060", "code": "HC", "name": "Health Center", "description": null, "displayOrder": 1, "active": true } }, "program": { "id": "10845cb9-d365-4aaa-badd-b4fa39c6a26a", "code": "PRG002", "name": "Essential Meds", "description": null, "active": true, "periodsSkippable": false, "showNonFullSupplyTab": null }, "processingPeriod": { "id": "c5012ddf-b145-4eee-9640-b2cbf4f2da85", "processingSchedule": { "id": "057921bd-1841-4748-8523-dbe5ebb58368", "code": "SCH002", "description": null, "modifiedDate": null, "name": "Quarterly" }, "name": "Q2", "description": null, "startDate": [ 2016, 4, 1 ], "endDate": [ 2016, 6, 30 ] }, "status": "INITIATED", "emergency": false, "supplyingFacility": null, "supervisoryNode": null } | Status 200 OK
6 | Configure the display order for Total Stockout Days using API. Change the current display order to 3. 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| Disable the Total Stockout Days using API. Set "isDisplayed" to false. 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