1220: View Requisitions Page

Test Case #:1220

Test Case Name: View Requisitions Page


Subsystem: blue

Test case designed by: Paulina Borowa

Design Date:09.11.2016

Short description

The view requisitions page needs to be built. This page should match the functionality from OpenLMIS V2, which means:

The user can query to see a full list of requisitions, and has a form to query by:

  • Facility drop down (with all facilities they have access to
  • Program drop down (which is disabled until facility is picked)
  • Date range (from and to) - this should use the period. Make sure that was what v2 done. (consider improving this later). If required, add more parameters to the /search endpoint.
  • Keep pagination as it is (no pagination)
  • Requisition Status (A multi-select dropdown) Different from V2

To match functionality in other sections of the site, there shouldn't be a "search" button on the screen, searching should be done once facility is chosen.

The list of requisitions shown should include the following properties for each requisition:

  • Program
  • Facility Code
  • Facility Name
  • Period Start Date
  • Period End Date
  • Date Submitted
  • Status
  • Date Modified
  • Is Emergency


Pre – conditions:




Expected system response



                                                                                                               Go  on: host/public/#/login.                        




 Select Requisition > View



Check if user see: 

  • Facility name drop down
  • Program drop down (which is disabled until facility is picked)
  • Date range (from and to) - this should use the period

Program drop down (which is disabled until facility is picked):


Check if:

The list of requisitions shown should include the following properties for each requisition:

  • Program
  • Facility Code
  • Facility Name
  • Period Start Date
  • Period End Date
  • Date Submitted
  • Status
  • Date Modified
  • Is Emergency


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