DHIS2 OpenLMIS COVID Teams collaboration-June 18, 2020
June 18th, 2020
Participants: OpenLMIS: @Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed) @Josh Zamor @Gaurav Bhattacharya (Unlicensed) @Wesley Brown @Josh Zamor @Brian Taliesin @Satish Choudhury
DHIS2: Scott , Rebecca P, Brian (their data person), Yury Rogachev
Resources shared before this meeting:
OpenLMIS/CHAI- our master data template for COVID tool
DHIS2: draft System Design Document for COVID-19 facility-reporting of commodities. This is something we release publicly with the metadata package, but you see it still has a few edit left to make. Additional documentation on COVID-19 package can be found: https://docs.dhis2.org/master/en/dhis2_covid19_surveillance/covid-19-surveillance-digital-data-package.html
Cameroon update: (Satish) they wanted integration with DHIS2; they have active implementation in country and to use OpenLMIS in existing ecosystem they wanted to explore integration. We have MoH approval to explore DHIS2 collaboration. And got official permission to share the master data and explore interoperability between the 2 systems; that is all the master data that is going into the system. The template was created in a way that would be easy for Cameroon team to provide the data (it is a simplified version). The actual master data template that we use has many more data points for OpenLMIS data structure. They have been working with the supply chain
→ Satish can double check who from the MoH is part of the team; Guy is one of the point people who is on the HIS team (scott knows him)
Scott: DHIS2 know the HMIS team. It can be difficult to get all the right people in the room. They have DHIS2 experts on that team and should be involved.
Implementation update; we have created demo instance for the team; looking at master trainer sessions over the next couple of weeks. Josh: they have the beginnings of an e-health architecture document
Next steps; they will follow our lead in how to engage with the project. They are eager to collaborate. They are waiting to hear from us on what we want from them. Satish can resume conversations about DHIS2 integration to be done in parallel with the COVID piece (instead of doing it afterwards). CHAI Cameroon team can help to facilitate follow up conversation to present this idea to the MoH; present a unified strategy. DHIS2 don’t have staff on the ground in Cameroon; their principle partner is HISP WSA (based in Togo). Jerry and Solomon from that team have been engaged with Cameroon
Jerry was working with Guy and MoH contacts; they might just need to be looped in together on this
Satish will check in with Cameroon colleagues and outline next steps; then loop back. Conversations are also going in Zim but the DHIS2 idea is not approved yet there
Wes: Are we clear on what are we going to be exchanging yet? Rebecca P: no, this is the key question (what needs to be seen together). They are not trying to replace LMIS, filling the niche around facility level data. Maybe the demo will make it more clear…
Country examples can help guide our scenarios; Scott wants the country to have the largest say of what this data is and what the connections need to be. (preferred approach)
Demo : DHIS2 COVID Commodities
match contact details of someone at a facility to put in contact in the event of a stockout; match stockout data with facility contact
facilities can capture 4 basic data elements for each of their products: SoH, consumption, number of resupply, and how much needed
they can calculate average consumption, could potentially auto-calculate resupply, but because of pandemic situation that is going to be difficult giving changing demand
Countries have asked for aggregate facility level supply chain data--this is what DHIS2 does. But it does not populate some kind of warehouse system for the data to flow to
On the Phone: ICRC is using this; barcode scanning for ‘stock update’ module; enter attribute of the commodity, and quantity
Wes: one of our difficulties was getting countries on board with the product catalog. Have you needed to customize this catalog based on country needs? No, nothing is hard coded. They can put whatever they want in there. DHIS2 started with WHO as a point of reference, but the list is easily changed
Analytics: Malawi is good case study; they have interoperability layer that allows facility data to go into DHIS2 (no indicators, just basic data); DHIS2 converts that into months of stock available, factor any kinds of stock outs; and put those values onto a pivot table; can then see ‘overstocked’ 'understocked' and 'waaay overstocked' based on months of stock
they have different malaria commodities ; their maps can then show the different facilities that are stocked out
integrated indicators: 1) caseload to issuance ratio, 2) caseload to SoH ration, 3) caseload to consumption ration --useful for high level
also enables predictive modeling
Problem is that there re often too many data warehouses in a country
Back to the question: what data we want to exchange…the demo made things more clear.
Wes: for COVID, seems like the data would be data we know how to get into DHIS2 easily (similar to the Malawi exchange);
Next steps:
Should we map out how that exchange would happen?
Scott: need a use case to build around; request needs to come from the country; hard to do this theoretically; want to avoid this being an academic exercise
-->Satish reach out to cameroon team to get more info around specific use cases to get some basic parameters for us to use to build the integration. Then reach out to Josh; because one of the areas to explore is with PCMT and DHIS2, how the product catalog will flow between the 3 systems
use that to build a wider interoperability conversation
Ball is in our court
standard documentation- to show us; these are important because any collaboration would be packaged in this way
DHIS2 Team to present: COVID data capture in DHIS2, example dashboards, and our implementation docs.
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