1326: Add RAML & Swagger setup to the template service

1326: Add RAML & Swagger setup to the template service

Test Case #:1326

Test Case Name:Add RAML & Swagger setup to the template service

System: OpenLMIS

Subsystem: template-service

Test case designed by: Anna Czyrko

Design Date:22.11.2016

Short description

We want the RAML and Swagger setup we have in the example service (and all other services) also present in the template service, so that implementers get that out of the box when forking the template service.

*Acceptance criteria*

* RAML/Swagger is set up in the template service the same way it is in our other services.

* Swagger is used as a dependency, Swagger code does not live in our repository.

* The version endpoint is documented in the RAML.


Pre – conditions:




Expected system response



Start docker and run template -service:

sudo docker-compose run --service-ports template-service




In Terminal enter:

gradle clean

gradle build

gradle bootRun


In browser enter: http://localhost:8080/docs


Click default and GET

5Click Try it out

Should appear version in Response Body part.

OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software