UI Variations for requisition splitting
UI Variations for requisition splitting
Exercise Goals
The following are example ways to extend the UI to allow for splitting a requisition depending on the supplying partners that are available.
- Verify user experience requirements
- Identify alternative UI workflows
- Decide where UI will need to be extended
A Requisition may be split into multiple Requisitions.
The concept of a Supplying Partner is introduced to distinguish MSL from CHAZ.
A product at a facility might have multiple suppliers
An approver will split requisition by supplier AFTER approving
Service would be unable to save additional suppliers
- Total cost of requisition would be calculated for each supplier
- *Approver can't adjust division amounts between suppliers before splitting requisition*
A split requisition would not show the status of the requisitions it was divided into
Adding Extra Columns
Wizard from button
Row drop down
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