Implementers - July 7 2020

Call Information

  • 00:00 PDT - Seattle
  • 03:00 EDT - New York, DC
  • 10:00 CAT - Zambia/Malawi (UTC+2)
  • 11:00 EAT - Tanzania/Kenya (UTC+3)

Last Meeting Notes: Implementers - June 2 2020



Lead (Time)

Notes and Updates

Software Development Update

Roadmap: Living Product Roadmap 

Current sprint: Backlog Grooming Sprint 150

Upcoming sprint: Backlog Grooming Sprint 151

Version 3.10: 

Team stats:


Development Update:

  • Shifting focus to OpenLMIS core and release 3.10
  • This sprint focus is on bugs (found in Malawi and Angola)
  • Little bit of COVID support
Global Product Committee Update

Meeting Notes: Global - June 16 2020


  • Planned Reporting Stack Improvements
  • OpenLMIS for COVID Progress
SIGLUS (Mozambique) Feature DiscussionsKaixin Du (15 min)

Features (implemented, working on, or planned)

  • On-site notifications (e.g for approvers) - called notification center; the red notifications display events for supervised facilities and blue notifcations show events related to user's own facility (home facility)
  • Ability to archive products in stock mgmt (not master data)
    • The archived product does no longer display on stock screens
    • The SoH needs to be 0 in order to archive the product
    • Ability to re-activate the product after archiving
    • Deactivation/activation is done on the facility-level
  • Custom UI requisition
    • Template configuration (7 new sections)
    • The sections are hardcoded 
  • Associate programs on requisitions
    • As a result on a requisition form we can include products from different programs
    • The additional products would be there mainly for reporting (not ordering)
    • It's currently not clear how to handle different supervisory nodes/supply lines of different programs
  • Ability to add products for users fulfilling an order 
  • Enforce that locally fulfilled facilities go through convert to order step
  • Partial fulfillment of an order (a sub-order will be created with the remaining, not fulfilled products)
    • A new status "PARTIALLY FULFILLED" would be used
    • An option to either go with new sub-orders or with the current workflow (discard the unfulfilled part)

3.10 Feature Priorities

Options given available funding:

Option 1

Option 2

Other Options/Suggestions?

Wesley Brown (15 min)

Feature Backlog: Feature Backlog

Planned Work:

  • Offline Stock Management - OLMIS-1621
  • Stock Management Performance - OLMIS-3814
  • Also expect to incorporate feedback from vaccine module

Wes: which option to go with?

Sebastian, Klaudia: A little bit towards option 1

Rebecca: Option 2 is nice (commitment to stock mgmt offline)

Wes: Option 2

Dercio: Option 2

COVID UpdateRebecca Alban (Unlicensed) (5 min)

How are countries/implementations handling the pandemic?

Is there anything that we can be doing to help?

Next PC meeting: Topic ideas??

Implementation/Partner Update

SIGLUS Feature Discussions

Additional Requests and Information:


Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed), António Langa (Unlicensed), Dianna, Dércio Duvane, Kaixin Du, Klaudia PaƂkowska (Deactivated), Momad, Sebastian BrudziƄski, Shangwei, Wesley Brown



OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software