xx How To: Entering Distributions in Online/Offline mode

xx How To: Entering Distributions in Online/Offline mode

This is a guide on how to initiate distributions for specific zones, programs, and time periods using the SELV online mode and then access the cached initiated distribution to record data when in offline mode. This allows users to initiate distributions in online mode and then access those distributions to record data when no longer connected to the Internet.

Step-by-step guide
Request a distribution in online mode

  1. Go online
  2. Open Chrome web browser
  3. Go to http://selv.villagereach.org 
    Note: You must access the site using the http URL (rather than https) otherwise the page with the recorded data will not open in Step 1 of "Access Record Data page in offline mode" below. Additionally, distributions initiated using the https URL will not be visible when using http.

  4. Enter your username and password
  5. Go to Distributions > Manage
  6. Select the delivery zone
  7. Select the program Vacinas
  8. Select the time period, which is the month of the distribution. (The distribution month is the month during which you started the distribution, even if it was at the very end or very beginning of the month. For example, if you left on August 31st, it is an August distribution. If you left on September 1st, it is a September distribution).
  9. Click Initiate Distribution. If you get a message that the distribution has already been initiated, that means the distribution has already been started on another computer.
  10. Once the distribution with your selected zone, program, and period has been successfully initiated it will show up in the “Initiated Distributions” list at the bottom of the page.
  11. You can now disconnect internet access. The data for your initiated distribution has been cached and can be accessed in offline mode.

Record Data in offline mode

After turning off internet access, go to Distributions > Manage  again. This time, only the distributions that have been initiated will be displayed.
2.  Choose an initiated distribution from the list and click on Record Data. This will take you to the page to enter data for the distribution.

3. All pages will not show "Go Online" in the top right corner, indicating that you are now offline.

4. You may optionally close the browser and return to enter more data later. To return to the site go to http://selv.villagereach.org. No login will be required, and the site will be in offline more.

5. To return to online mode at any time, make sure your computer is connected to the Internet and click Go Online. Once online, you can synchronize the data that has been entered.

Note: You can enter data for initiated distributions on the Recorded Data page in both online AND offline mode.

Return Later to Enter More Data

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