3. How-To: Record data

3. How-To: Record data

Recording data for distributions is the main purpose of the SELV system. Each distribution is divided into the facilities in its delivery zone. In the Record Data process, you will enter data for each facility separately. As you record data, SELV will cache the data until you fully synchronize the distribution with the server while in online mode. For more on synchronizing a distribution, see 4. How-To: Synch a distribution

Note: For the Record Data process to work, you must have already initiated a distribution on the same computer. For instructions on initiating a distribution, see 2. How-To: Initiate a distribution

Step-by-step guide

Recording Data 

  1. If you are not already logged into SELV, follow the instructions on 1. How-To: Access the SELV website.
  2. Click Distributions > Manage to navigate to the initiated distributions page.
  3. From the "Initiated Distributions" list at the bottom, select which distribution you would like to enter data for. Click Record Data. (Registro de Dados.) 
    (Note: if no distributions appear in the list, follow the instructions on 2. How-To: Initiate a distribution)
  4. Choose a facility from the dropdown menu. Each facility has a color indicator showing the status of its data completion within the system. For more information on color status definitions, see Record Data: Status colors & definitions.
  5. Use the tabs on the left to toggle between each of the seven categories for data entry for the selected facility. For more information and explanations of the reporting options for each category, see the wiki pages for each tab. (Listed in "Tips and Tricks" below.)

  6. As you enter information it will be saved in the browser cache. 
  7. Continue to 4. How-To: Synch a distribution to fully save the data into the SELV system.


Tips and Tricks:

The following wiki pages have information on each of the facilities' seven tabs. Make sure you know how to report the correct information for each category and use these guides to help.

Facilities Tab 1: Visit Info/Operations

Facilities Tab 2: Refrigerators

Facilities Tab 3: EPI Inventory

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