2020-04-14 Sprint Transition
Apr 14, 2020
Participants & Internal Stakeholders
@Felimone Amone Junior
@Matthew Kumbuyo (Deactivated)
@Chongsun Ahn (Unlicensed)
@Christine Lenihan
@Ben Leibert
@Sebastian Brudziński
@Aleksandra Ciesińska
@Oskar Hinc (Unlicensed)
This past sprint felt like a short one: Ben was away for two days after which the rest of the team was away for one.
@Aleksandra Ciesińska has continued to be focused primarily on OpenLMIS-Angola.
We encountered a bit more tech-debt. While exploring tickets related to https://openlmis.atlassian.net/browse/SELV3-188, @Oskar Hinc (Unlicensed) discovered complications related to launching a new instance of the server. Specifically, the client username and secret are lost when volumes are removed. Oskar will document the issue and manual workaround for now and, for phase II of the project, we'll perhaps devote a week to ameliorating it.
Although we didn’t formally showcase them, the following tickets were moved to Done:
@Aleksandra Ciesińska (near exclusively focused on the Angola project)
@Mateusz Kwiatkowski
@Ben Leibert
Because SELV’s reports are based on Angola’s, they exhibit some of the problems recently discovered in Angola. (See the Action Items section below.)
@Oskar Hinc (Unlicensed) moved https://openlmis.atlassian.net/browse/SELV3-131 to QA. (See the Action Items section below.)
Because work on Angola’s reports is winding down, @Aleksandra Ciesińska may soon be able to resume work on SELV. We’ll likely soon want to upgrade Angola, though, to the 3.9 release.
Action Items