Welcome to your software project space!
This is home base for your software project in Confluence. It's where you can plan your project, keep important documentation, and discuss it all with your team.
Next, you might want to:
- Customise the home page - Click Edit to make changes to this page
- Create more pages - Hit Create in the header to add requirements, meeting notes, decision pages, and more
- Link to JIRA issues - Paste the URL of an issue or filter into the page to see issue status and other useful info
- Set permissions - Click Space tools at the bottom of the sidebar to choose who can access this space
You can edit this roadmap or create a new one by adding the Roadmap Planner macro from the Insert menu. Link your Confluences pages to each bar to add visibility, and find more tips by reading the Atlassian blog: Plan better with the Roadmap Planner macro
About this project
Summarise your software project and what your team will do in this space. Add links to key resources for your project and team.
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